Time Management

Change Your Story Improve Your Life

What do you tell yourself and others about your life? Do you paint a picture of your life as happy and optimistic or as somber and sad? It’s not what happens to us in this life but it is what we do with and about what happens to us in this life. Life is not fair. Never has been. Never…

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Time Management

The Prosperity In Gratitude

The unthankful heart… discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings! ~Henry Ward Beecher This is the time of year when we give thanks. It’s the time when we look around our lives and feel grateful for all that…

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Don T Believe Know

The spiritual evolution of the this planet and its inhabitants is currently in a rapid state of change, a new era is being born, and we are no longer content to be believers, as sheep in a “flock”. People are waking up to the knowledge that we can be masters of our own destiny, and are looking to the ancient…

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Time Management

How We Sabotage Ourselves And What To Do About It

Everyone wants to be beautiful, young, healthy and fit. There is no end to the diets, workouts and health plans. Yet the most important diet of all has been overlooked. This is a diet that releases stress, relaxes muscles, offers sound sleep, diminishes appetite, and makes you look and feel younger; it brings you new friends, a happy work environment,…

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Goal Setting

A Moment Can Change A Life

A fleeting moment can change your life. Christopher Reeves had everything going for him – fame, fortune and best of all a loving wife and son. Enjoying his favorite sport, he fell off his horse. In a split second, his whole life changed! He is not alone. In a moment, all dreams can be quashed. A young man, full of…

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Catch Up With A Past Classmate

After going to school with your classmates for four or even twelve years, it’s hard to imagine ever losing touch. Once you graduate though and realize that everyone is going off to their own schools, jobs or travels it becomes heartbreakingly clear that staying close will be hard. Losing contact with your classmates is unbelievably easy to do even when…

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The Solution Within

It’s quite amazing how many people go through their lives with very little thought as to where they are heading with it. There is an accepted lifecycle assigned to everyone and most of us seem to just fall into it and ‘live’ it out as if there was no alternative. There are some truly disturbing statistics about people’s lives, most…

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Love Is In The Air

Well, here we are in February and many people are celebrating St. Valentines. It is a good time to think about love and relationships to put a bit of warmth in our lives after a long winter. Today, I would like to look at what love is. The English language only has one word for love and it is used…

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Goal Setting

Hustle While You Wait

Everything comes to those who hustle while they wait -Thomas Edison Thomas A. Edison was one of the most prolific inventors of all time. His inventions continue to shape our daily lives decades after his death in 1931. He fundamentally changed our lives by giving us indoor lighting, records, movies, batteries, and hundreds of other objects we have come to…

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Home Security

Terrorist Terrorism And Terrorized

As we sit glued to the television set listening to all the gory details of yet another terrorist attack leaves us all in a state of shock. We all feel sad. We all feel that enough is enough. We all listen to how much the death toll is rising into the hundreds. We all wait in anticipation to hear of…

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