
Delight Your Senses With These Crab Salad Recipes

Unrivaled in sweetness by any other of its lot, the crab is has shown its versatility as an ingredient. It ads an interesting twist to any dish served with a shred or two of this amazing seafood. As a part of salad, the Crab gives an interesting texture. It does not matter whether it be imitation or authentic crab meat,…

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Weight Loss

Lemonade Diet Recipe Useful Diet Or Quick Fix

The lemonade diet recipe is said to have originated in the 1970s when a book written by Stanley Burroughs suggested that fasting and drinking citric fruit juice could be used as a way to remove toxins from the body. This was never intended to be used as a diet as such, simply a short term cleansing of the body. Unfortunately…

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Alternative Medicine

Constipation Home Remedies Using Juices

Apple Juice, Figs and Raisins Here’s another constipation home remedy using apple juice with other fruit. Eat it the first thing in the morning before breakfast. In a blender, put in a cup of fresh apple juice. Add equal amounts of dry or fresh figs and raisins and a small organic apple. Choose how many figs and raisins to use.…

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Lemon A Miracle For Beautiful Hair And Skin

Even though we go out in the market to get the most appropriate beauty products for ourselves, sometimes we just have to look in our own homes for a better solution. To our very own surprise we may find it too in our own backyard. We are talking about the tiny lemon. For ages this lemon has been used as…

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Croup An Infection Affecting The Young

Croup is an inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. It affects the voice box due to an infection of the vocal cord. In adults this disease is known as laryngitis. It obstructs the breathing which makes this disease severe. This condition should not be ignored, especially in infants as it may be very dangerous. The inflammation leads to stridor…

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Anti Aging Goji Juice

The Fountain of Youth had just been discovered. Imagine, you being healthy and alive, growing old in years, but amazingly looking young and fit. The Tibetan Goji berry and its juice contain 4 very unique Polysaccharides which are known to be Anti-aging. Besides being loaded with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants it is these 4 unique Polysaccharides found in NO OTHER…

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Womens Issues

Uses Of Apple For Your Skin

Apple is a great fruit widely being used for cakes, pies and many health care products too. Everyone is familiar with the context ‘ An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ which is very true. Due to its useful components it has got a new found respect. The properties of the apple are mind-boggling. It has been increasingly used…

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Health Fitness

You Are What You Drink

The average American today gets about 21% of their from beverages, consuming about 150 to 300 more calories than 30 years ago. Half of this intake comes from soft drinks and juice drinks. Why?….portions are bigger, and the percentage of people consuming these beverages has gone up. There is a connection with soda and juice drinks and obesity, as well…

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The Health Benefits Of Mangosteen Juice

Fruits and vegetables have always played a key to a healthy diet; add exercise to it and your body will reward you with great energy and glowing skin. This is no secret, just a fact. While some of us adore vegetables and fruits, some can hardly consume a handful a week. Eating smart helps a great deal in promoting good…

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Health Fitness

Health Benefits Of Nettle

The stinging nettle (which is called ortie in France and Brennessel in Germany) was said to be introduced into Britain by Caesar’s soldiers. They sowed it along the sides of the great straight roads; both the roads and the nettles survive. At the end of a day’s march the cooler climate of England and the weary miles made their legs…

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