
History Of Pomegranates Punica Granatum

Because of the many seeds found in pomegranate fruits, they were regarded as a symbol of fertility by the ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The Greek writer, Homer, wrote about pomegranates growing at Syracuse, on the island of Sicily. The Bible of the Hebrews records many references to the pomegranate, and the image of the fruit was used…

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Food Beverage

Juicers Your Source For Ambrosia

We all love to drink a glass of natural juice, full of minerals, vitamins and other healthy nutrients. This is the single most important reason why juicers, the household appliances specialized in juice squeezing, have advanced so much in the past few years. Manufacturers have understood the increased demand for juicers that are easy to use and just as simple…

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Dealing With Tuberculosis Tb

Tuberculosis (TB) is an illness related to the respiratory system. It is a disease caused by a germ mainly found in your lungs. It is a contagious disease which means you have to take extra precaution for the safety of other people. By the continuous sneezing, talking and coughing these air-borne germs can spread to other people. It can turn…

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Acai Berries Are The New Superfruit

Berries and chocolate. Generally a great combination, right? What if there was a berry that had a cocoa flavor in it? Well as nature would have it, there is. This extraordinarily nutritious berry is called the acai berry (pronounced a-sigh-ee). While it doesn’t exactly taste like pure chocolate, the bitterness of cacao is incorporated into acai’s intense flavor. The flavor…

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How To Satisfy Summer Time Fresh Tomato Cravings Today

Disappointment reigns heavily when it comes to out of season tomatoes. Yes, summer is over as the harsh freezing cold temperatures blanket the entire North American continent and we are missing, craving more than likely, the incredible taste of vine ripe tomatoes straight from the garden. Perfectly picked at their peek of freshness and aromatic fragrance. Sure you try the…

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Health Fitness

How To Detox Your Body

One of the most popular body cleansing detoxification processes is fasting, either with just water or with a variety of juices. While food is very important in providing the nutrients your body needs for energy and body processes, sometimes the body uses too much energy digesting and not enough time purging toxins. If you learn how to detox your body…

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Healthful Cooking Choose Ingredients Wisely

When preparing your next health-conscious menu, consider this fact: Nutritionists say that knowing where your ingredients come from can be almost as important as knowing what ingredients to use. That’s one reason food such as certified Wild American Shrimp has become popular. They are caught fresh in their own natural environment from the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico-and they…

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Health Fitness

When Your Cold Is More Than Just A Cold

Sometimes you may think that you only have a simple cold. But oftentimes symptoms of your cold begin to worsen and persist for weeks and pain is felt in the sinus region. If the cold is left untreated, excessive mucus may drip down to the back of the throat or in the sinus cavities that can result to a sinus…

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Food Beverage

Juicer Comparisons Manual Or Electric

A juicer is conical-shaped kitchen utensil used for squeezing, or extracting, juice from various foods, especially fruits and vegetables, for the purpose of drinking or adding flavor to other foods. The juicer is simple to use, but, because of the possible dangers involved, should be handled with care, caution, and know-how. Two kinds of juicers exist What’s your Reaction? Love…

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Why Do You Need Raw Juice Therapy

When I was a kid, my mom used to make me different kinds of juices like orange, tomato, and carrot juices. I always like them until now as they do increase the appetite. But, I wasn’t sure about the benefits until one day, when I got older; I saw my aunt consumed so many juices everyday. I noticed that this…

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