Weight Loss

Keeping A Healthy Weight

These days, more and more people are placing importance on keeping physically healthy. This can be seen by the amount of people who are joining gyms and sports clubs, going on diets, and spending on private health insurance. One of the biggest areas of concern in this area for women is keeping a healthy weight, this is because it not…

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Connect With Your Body

When we’re in the creative flow, we can sometimes forget we even have a body, because our minds are exploding with color, sounds, words and images. But when unhealthy habits sap your body of its vitality and strength, your creativity and productivity will be sapped as well. What could be more frustrating than the interruption of your creative flow by…

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Prostate Cancer

Your Prostate Is Your Weakest Link

Prostate health is one of the most important concerns for men, and each man should have it checked yearly after a certain age. Most prostate problems for men happen past age 65, which is why good prostate health is so important earlier in life. However, maintaining a healthy gland is still the best way to avoid having to undergo strenuous…

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Health Fitness

Healthy Eating For A Healthier More Beautiful You

The film “Upsize Me” clearly showcases what America has been doing to itself in the recent years, killing their body with an unhealthy lifestyle fuelled by greasy, carbo-laden junk food. While diets and healthy eating are greatly promoted and followed nowadays, the allure of burgers, pizzas, milkshakes and fries just couldn’t be ignored; there is just something that’s so great…

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Home Family

Perfect Gift For Your Father This Father S Day

June is the month dedicated to all fathers. And with this, they deserve something special from their sons and daughters. What will you give you father? Would it be something you bought from the mall? Or something you did all by yourself? Whether it is cheap, expensive, small, or big, we have to make sure that it is a special…

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Health Fitness

World Warned To Prepare For Bird Flu

Confronting the possibility of a potentially devastating human bird flu pandemic, the United Nations system – from Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to the UN health and agricultural agencies – today laid out a blueprint for immediate preventive and mitigating action. “We may not know about the future course of H5N1, we do know this:…

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Weight Loss

Are You Starving To Lose Weight

It’s never too late to rethink on your diet plan and make fresh and realistic health resolutions. It is the right time to take stock of the situation. Ask yourself: Are we being fair to ourselves when we make these strict guidelines of diet and exercise? Most people recoil at the thought of dieting and exercising, especially on a cold…

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Health Fitness

Bodybuilding Is It Unhealthy

This is a very common question in today’s society that has been sensitized to the illegal use of performance enhancing drugs in sports and from many of the health warnings that go along with the supplements that bodybuilders use. So is bodybuilding healthy? Or better yet, can it be healthy? Well lets take a few moments to try to answer…

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An Order Of Healthy Food Please

When you have no time to cook your own food, what do you do? The answer is obvious, of course. You go out to your local fast food outlet (in deference to your kids’ preferences), you go out to the food strip at the mall, or you order take out. It is convenient and you can eat your fill at…

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