Colon Cleanse

Seven Day Colon Cleanse

Body wastes are stored in your large intestine or the colon. The main function of the large intestine, aside from storage is to absorb water and salt from feces. Maybe you have a lot of background information about colon health issues and the different methods employed in the process. One of the most used and popular procedure in colon cleansing…

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Vitamin D Can It Really Keep You Cancer Free

Can Vitamin D really help prevent you from developing cancer? Once only associated with strong bones and teeth, new scientific research is finding that Vitamin D can cut your risk of developing common cancers by as much as 50%. Says Sara Hiom, head of health information at Cancer Research UK, “There is evidence to suggest that the vitamin (Vitamin D)…

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Wealth Building

Short Term Medical Insurance Best Option For Young Adults

As you graduate from school and enter into adulthood, there are many decisions you need to start making for yourself. One of them involves taking care of and being responsible for your health, both physically and financially, and to try and provide adequate protection and coverage against any unforeseen circumstances as best you can. What are you to do if…

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Health Fitness

The Key To Understanding Health

It’s true. The key to understanding health can be summed up with one simple formula. (Even if those math courses weren’t your favorite, this is one you won’t want to ignore.) The formula is: your health is directly proportionate to the time and quality you devote to it. Or, in mathematical terms: Health = Time x Quality To Everything Turn,…

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Health Fitness

Phytochemicals And Good Health

Many vegetables and fruits are known for numerous health benefits. Diets composed of five to nine serving of fruits and vegetables may help reduce the risk of chronic disease and other health ailments. Vegetables and fruits can supply the body of necessary nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are vital for the development and maintenance of the human body.…

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Weight Loss

Diet And Exercising For Weight Loss

Obesity is now being called an epidemic in the health community. In fact, it will soon be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, even ahead of cigarette smoking. Obesity leads to type two diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke and even an increased risk of cancer. With all of these health risks, as well…

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Health Fitness

Taking Care Of Your Hair With Vitamins

While many people know that vitamins are good for you health, very few have yet to discover hair vitamin supplements. It may sound a little sill that you can get hair vitamins that will actually accelerate hair growth. But it is true. There are hair vitamin supplements on the market today that have been proven to accelerate hair growth. If…

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Synthetic Human Growth Hormone

Synthetic HGH is the supplement that the body is treated to when it is limited in producing the naturally occurring HGH, which is a chemical secretion of the pituitary gland and responsible for the development, vitality and overall human health factors staying at an optimal level. Lately, the many highs that controlled use of synthetic growth hormone can provide have…

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