Alternative Medicine

5 Easy Ways To Lift The Spirit

What to do? Luckily for me there’s always been that curiosity of what’s out there in the alternative world including the alternative therapies. I’ve tried many of them over the years and will continue to do so, all in the hope I can make things better for my body, mind and spirit. And it has. I’m aware that what may…

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Neither Is There Healing In Any Other Name

The entire context of Acts 3 and 4 is the healing of the lame man at the Temple Gate. This is the occasion of Peter’s declaration that his level of power or holiness had nothing to do with it. His actions, however, demonstrated that using Jesus’ name for healing had everything to do with the healing of this helpless man.…

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Health Fitness

Pricking Your Way To Health The Benefits Of Acupuncture

More and more people are now open to the Eastern medicine and therapy, including the use of Asian styles of massage. Several types of massage originated from the east such as the shiatsu, reflexology, and the Thai massage. Aside from herbal medications originating from different parts of Asia, another exotic treatment that has achieved worldwide recognition is called acupuncture. It…

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Alternative Medicine

The Myth Of Magnetic Healing

Magnetic therapy or magnotherapy is an alternative medicine that cures certain medical disorders by exposing the body to magnetic fields. Although mainstream medical science pooh-poohs the claims made by magnotherapy and have stamped it as a pseudoscience, ardent proponents say that magnet therapy works in a non-invasive way to cure many painful conditions, primarily back disorders, arthritis and joint aches.…

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Alternative Medicine

Alleviating Anxiety With Zensight Process

Rachel looks in the mirror and notices a mark on her cheek. Immediately her breath becomes shallow, her heart races, her chest tightens, and she feels nauseated. She checks the spot more closely, and sees that it’s just a speck of dirt. She washes it off and tells herself firmly that she is fine – it wasn’t the beginning of…

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How To Renew Your Mind For Healing

A renewed mind, in the Biblical sense, is a mind that is so saturated with Scripture that it thinks Scripture when a crisis hits, rather than relying on wits for a solution to the crisis. In other words, our minds are renewed when it is so saturated with the word of God that we think Scripture when decision time arrives,…

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Healing With Neither Power Nor Holiness

Thank God that our level of power or holiness has nothing to do with our ability to get our selves or our loved ones healed. Take the case of Peter. In Acts 3, he used the name of Jesus to get the man lying at the Temple Gate healed. In so doing, he declared that his (Peter’s) level of power…

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Health Fitness

Quick Intro About Reiki

So do you want to know about Reiki? Ok, let me explain how far I know about Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Reiki is capable of healing anything because it works at very…

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Aloe Vera Remedies

Aloe Vera has proven to be very effective in healing skin problems such as minor burns, and scratches. But unknown to many, it has been recently discovered that it is very useful in oral care as well. Aloe Vera aids in the healing of gum problems. Gum diseases like gingivitis or periodontitis can be treated easily with this herb. Gingivitis…

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Health Fitness

Understanding The History Of Reiki And Its Many Benefits

Reiki healing is growing in popularity around the Western world. The word “Reiki” is Japanese and means “Universal Life Energy.” A Japanese theologian named Dr. Mikao Usui founded the Reiki healing system at the end of the last century. He discovered the ancient healing system after studying Sanskrit texts in a Buddhist monastery. Though the texts revealed the knowledge needed,…

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