Health Fitness

Coping With The Trauma Of Sexual Abuse

It may be hard to believe but child sexual abuse really happens. No matter what race, religion and economic status, children are getting sexually abused. And its effects don’t stop until the child grows through adolescence and into adulthood. Most children who have become victims of sexual abuse usually grow up struggling with depression, self-hatred, alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, eating…

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Alternative Necklaces For Our Cats And Dogs

Alternative Veterinary Medicine is the practice that analyzes and takes into consideration a wide range of topics that have a direct impact on the well being of your pet. It includes the areas of Holistic, Integrative and Complementary practices that use a combination of conventional and alternative methods to find the best answers for solving your pet’s problem or distress.…

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Alternative Medicine

What Is A Healing Crisis

A difficult concept to grasp when undergoing a cleansing regimen is the detoxification symptoms that occur along the way. These unpleasant side effects are merely a necessary part of the healing process that we must endure so that we can experience the true benefits of a clean, healthy body. The turbulence that our bodies experience during detoxification can be scary–…

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Self Improvement

What Does It Mean To Self Improve

Self Improvement has become mainstream. In the last few years, since I have been writing articles and submitting them to article sites, I’ve noticed that the category of “Self Improvement” has been showing up lately when it was never there before. To me, this is very good news. But what does it really mean to “Self Improve?” What are we…

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The Role Of Spiritual Warfare In Healing

Healing is probably the most misunderstood truth in the Bible. More false notions exist about healing than any other doctrine. For this reason, many are not healed who could be healed. The greatest misunderstanding for believers concerning healing is to wrongly assume that faith or divine healing must be instantaneous. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Although some healings…

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Alternative Medicine

Shamanic Healing In The 21st Century

Shamanic healing describes in essence a group of processes that has been practised throughout the millennia, and throughout every civilisation in the world, which entails for a shaman to travel in non-ordinary realms (quantum realms, other worlds, dreamtime etc) and there, to make changes, learn about the nature of the problem and to bring back resolutions. Shamanic healing relies at…

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Conceptions In Healing The Hidden Self

Conceptions in Healing the Hidden Self Developing our concepts will assist us with conjuring up new ideas and perceptions that lead us to healing the hidden self. Through theorizing, shuffling, and developing new ideas we can change our view on life by changing our main beliefs and perceptions. The common human must consistently maneuver through the healing process by re-training…

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Home Remedies For Anal Fissures

Anal fissure is an injury in the anus. This injury is either a cut or a tear in the canal which passes stool i.e. the anus. This condition is very common among adults. It is one of the most common causes for rectal bleeding during infancy. Anal fissures can be caused if you pass hard and large stools, due to…

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The Garden As Healer

The word for ‘paradise’ comes from the Persian word for a garden and has always meant the same thing in every culture. It is representative of ‘paradise on earth’ and is our opportunity to own a little bit of heaven – here and now. It has a restorative significance as a healer when we understand that gardens provide us with…

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