Self Improvement

Mindfulness And Mental Health Improvement

What’s going on in your head? Until you know, there can be all sorts of problems. Uncorrectable problems. You can’t fix a problem that you don’t see, right? That is where mindfulness comes in. Mindfulness and mental health are intimately connected. Your mind is busy in there right now, talking about all sorts of things. It may be telling you…

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Emotional Dependency Or Emotional Responsibility

Emotional dependency means getting one’s good feelings from outside oneself. It means needing to get filled from outside rather than from within. Who or what do you believe is responsible for your emotional wellbeing? There are numerous forms of emotional dependency: * Dependence on substances, such as food, drugs, or alcohol, to fill emptiness and take away pain. * Dependency…

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Breathe Life Into Your Writing

Have you ever read a passage and felt the breath of life, then was too speechless to describe it? That’s writing at its best. The method for creating such a moment comes from the use of emotions. Emotions are one of the single most important, touching, impressive and non-intrusive writing tools. It is often not recognized as a concrete tool,…

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Health Fitness

Five Simple Steps To Stopping A Binge

When you have a negative feeling, the thought of comforting and drowning yourself in food sounds like a wonderful idea. Your mind will be taken off of dealing with your emotions and food will heal all. This is the truth for about the first five minutes of binge eating. After that, you will continue to eat, but not because you…

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Time Management

Dealing With Addiction In The Family

Dealing with addicted family members is always a big challenge. There are some important issues to explore when someone you love is harming themselves. ARE YOU CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROBLEM? People use various addictions to avoid their painful feelings, especially their feelings of anxiety, stress, aloneness, emptiness and loneliness. Is there some way that you are contributing to their pain?…

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Job Dream

Have you changed? Your job started out being what you wanted, but today it is different. Maybe you thought of it as a jumping place to a better job in the future, but you have been here 5 plus years. it is a fact that your dream job is waiting on you, so don’t continue in a miserable job, boring…

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