Arts Entertainment

Types Of Actors

All humans are actors to some extent. This sounds Shakespearean but it is very true. Many times we have done what we do not like and many times we begin to like what we are doing. We represent those very feelings on stage or before the camera in the form of characters. The person’s who enact those characters are actors.…

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Health Fitness

Sure Help For The Worried And Anxious

If you are a human being, it is quite normal to feel stressed out, worried, and show feelings of fear. Anxiety is a state of exaggerated worry and fear due to . People feel and show anxiety in different ways, and sometimes this feeling could lead to a more stressful case, which causes people to buy prescription drugs to heal…

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Self Improvement

The Purpose Of Shame

Many people on a healing path have found it extremely challenging to heal their shame. Yet when you understand the purpose of shame, you will be able to move beyond it. Shame is the feeling that there is something basically wrong with you. Whereas the feeling of guilt is about DOING something wrong, shame is about BEING wrong at the…

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Health Fitness

Dangers And Solutions To Emotional Eating

Food is a source of nourishment and energy. Without food we would not be able to perform our daily activities. Our muscles would wither, our nervous system would fail. So, we all need food. However, food also has another role in our lives – a role of comfort and entertainment. Culturally and instinctively we prepare and serve foods to comfort…

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