Health Fitness

A Guide On Sexual Health And Aging

In most movies and television shows, scenes that are sexual in nature often show young and smooth-skinned people “getting it on.” But age is not a reason to let your sex life slide. Intimacy with your partner is an essential part of any relationship whether you are in your 20s or 50s. Aside from boosting your personal relationship with your…

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Stress Management

Getting Control Of Your Anger

One of the major roadblocks to strong relationships, both at home and at work, is the inability to effectively manage one’s emotions. Of all the emotional, psychological and physical responses we experience in life, anger is perhaps the most challenging to process and control on a consistent basis. How you choose to respond to your anger will make a difference…

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Home Family

How To Act On A First Date

The key to a successful first date is to relax and just be the real you. If you try to act in a way that you think the other person will like, then they may start liking someone who you are not, and in the end you will wind up breaking up and getting hurt, so honest truly is the…

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Anti Aging Skin Care

The aging of your skin may be inevitable. But why rush it? There are ways to slow down sagging and wrinkles. Using skin creams and treatments may already be a part of your daily grooming regimen. However, topical creams cannot be expected to work alone for full efficacy. The best way to start your anti-aging effort is on the inside.…

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Arts Entertainment

How To Act On A First Date

The key to a successful first date is to relax and just be the real you. If you try to act in a way that you think the other person will like, then they may start liking someone who you are not, and in the end you will wind up breaking up and getting hurt, so honest truly is the…

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Magnetic Therapy For Golfers When Golfing

You hear about designer jewelry that not only is beautiful, but it is also giving the wearer magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy has become quite popular with golfers. The magnetic therapy helps ease aches and pains that might affect a golfer. Some of the great PGA players use magnetic therapy and they feel better and seem to play without having any…

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Time Management

Do You Fear Your Dentist

Taking good care of our teeth is hygienic. The mouth is actually home to thousands of harmful bacteria and if you do not have your teeth cleaned and checked professionally, you could be prone to oral bacteria-related illnesses. Many people think that brushing their teeth is enough. Unfortunately, health experts believe that a person should visit a dentist at least…

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Weight Loss

Holiday Eating Anxieties For Bariatric Patients

Most Bariatric Surgery Patients experience a wide range of Holiday eating anxieties which can actually ruin a perfectly good Holiday around friends and family. Prior to surgery, Holidays meant family, friends, and lots of food to indulge in and enjoy – often at a glutinous rate simply because Holiday foods are “special” because they are only provided during the season…

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Self Improvement

The Heart Warming Gratitude

Thank you very much. I am obliged. Gratitude, a quality that is a must to live a good life. Gratitude, a quality that makes both the giver and the receiver happy. Somebody helped me and I forgot about it. Somebody helped me and I remembered it and said thanks. What is better? Many of us forget to thank. We take…

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Tips For Choosing The Perfect Gloss For Your Lips

One should remember that perfection is ten percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. So searching for the lip gloss that best suits the lip color and lip tone one has is an endeavor that requires patience, perseverance and a little (just a little) bit of luck. Hopefully, the following tips will better the chances of discovering the lip gloss that…

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