
Save Your Marriage Communicate

When people are told that they need to communicate more they often think that that is an open invitation to talk but there is a complete difference between talking and communicating. Communicating is an art, and art of combining the ability to express your opinions and feelings in such a way as to ensure that the person or people you…

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The Heart Of Soul

Hide and Seek is a wonderful game to play with your children. The next time you play this game observe what happens. If you are the person hiding your eyes and counting to 10, feel what happens to your heart as you look for your children. If you pay attention, my hunch is that your heart and imagination will heighten.…

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Web Hosting

Never Go Out Of Fashion With Diamonds

Ask any woman for that matter and you will find out that when it comes to jewelry, the diamond is the most coveted one amongst the rest. There is something about this stone that makes it so desirable and I as woman myself cannot explain the tingling feeling I feel deep inside when I receive a diamond from the one…

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Is This Love Or Emotional Dependency

One of my clients, whose ex-girlfriend recently broke up with him, asked me the following question: “I think I still love her, but is this love or just emotional dependency? Many times I ask myself if falling in love comes from the wounded self because (for me at least) it feels as if I can’t live without the other person.…

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Nine Good Irish Quotes And Proverbs

The Irish, those who hail the country of Ireland, both by birth and those who simply claim it, are a God-fearing and unique group of people. It is said that everybody has been an Irish Catholic at least once in their lives. Who won’t join in the festivities of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations? Attributed to the Irish are hundreds of…

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Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight By Eating For Energy

Are you bewildered when intuitive eating guides tell you to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full? It can be a difficult skill to relearn after years of dieting and/or bingeing. One entirely different way to eat the right amount for your body is to change the goal from “getting full of food” to “eating for energy”. Food…

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Home Family

Congratulate To Spread Joy

Congratulating everyone for any achievement has become a norm. You pass graduation congratulations will pour in. Get a new child, same story repeated. Get engaged, get married, get a job, a new house, promotion, what ever, congratulations will come in avalanche if you have a big circle of friends and family. What is the effect of such a message on…

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Home Security

Terrorist Terrorism And Terrorized

As we sit glued to the television set listening to all the gory details of yet another terrorist attack leaves us all in a state of shock. We all feel sad. We all feel that enough is enough. We all listen to how much the death toll is rising into the hundreds. We all wait in anticipation to hear of…

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