Health Fitness

How To Overcome A Speech Problem

Do you have a speech problem or speech impediment? I have managed to overcome a stutter which had had a major negative affect on my life for eighteen years. This article describes about how to overcome a speech problem and how to achieve fluency. According to recent figures around one percent of British people suffer from the speech impediment known…

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Health Fitness

Social Phobia And The Office Environment

Everyone is afraid of something. This most fundamental, critical rule of human existence may be among the oldest reasons for the human need to socially interact. To a certain extent, it is arguable that all society is based on the foundation that we are playing off each other’s fears. However, while it is normal for everyone to have fears, not…

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Fear Of Flying Just Relax It Away

The advancements in science and industry in that last 100 years have left us humans somewhat baffled. You will often hear it said that in the last century, we as human beings have made more accomplishments than at any other time in recorded history. But did it all get a little big, a little to fast? It seems that these…

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Web Hosting

Learning To Trust The Unknown

I used to think that the more I knew the better I could function in this world. That was until I decided to become an entrepreneur. I wrestled with the security I had as an employee and the freedom and fulfillment I sought as an entrepreneur. All the while, I was confronted and challenged by the infamous unknown. I struggled…

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Overcome Your Anxiety

Everybody at one point experiences anxiety when faced with a stressful or worrying situation. Anxiety is the feeling of fear, apprehension and worry, accompanied by nausea, palpitations, chest pain, and breathlessness. Sometimes this can interfere with your normal life. Excessive anxiety can be linked with other psychiatric conditions, such as depression. Anxiety can be in many forms. It may be…

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Getting Over Your Fear Of The Dentist

Dental anxiety or fearing the dentist is a problem that many people have, and something that is somewhat difficult to overcome. This fear normally prevents rational people from visiting the dentist and maintaining the health of their teeth. The key to keeping your teeth healthy is to prevent problems before they start. Those who suffer from dental anxiety will try…

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Time Management

Overcoming Fear Of Public Speaking

Fear of public speaking is a very common form of social anxiety. Fear of public speaking has often been called the ‘Greatest Anxiety,’ due to the large number of people who actually experience this fear. Fear of public speaking doesn’t just mean that you have a fear of making a speech in public. It can mean that you experience stage…

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