Time Management


“Courage is being scared to death – but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne “Courage is the clich What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary 0 0 Shares Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin × Share this post! Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin Pinterest Messenger Reddit Telegram Tumblr…

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Self Improvement

How To Overcome A Fearful And Scary Situation

All most everybody worries about what will happen if they are in a stressful and scary situation. The prospect of not knowing what to do can be frightening. As a result, here is a list of techniques and suggestions on how to manage the fear of an upcoming situation The first thing a person can do is to visualize yourself…

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Time Management

Lose Your Fear And Look After Those Pearly Whites

If you asked most people to make a list of the things that they dread, many of them would put “going to the dentist” up near the top. Though dentists actually do work that relieves pain and makes a person healthier, they are some of the most feared and loathed workers on the planet. People simply hate everything about going…

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Web Hosting

The Dilemma Of Public Speaking

Public speaking is not an experience that every one enjoys, however in our life there are many such occasions when we are forced to go up to the stage and speak to hundreds or even thousands of people. When a person is speaking in public he should carry himself with a lot of confidence in order to be able to…

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A Fear And Phobia Of The Future

My name is Steve Hill from England. In this article I am going to explain about how I have managed to turn my life around from one which was constantly living in fear, to one where I now look forward to the future. I hope this proves to be interesting and beneficial to anyone who reads it. I was always…

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Web Hosting

Are You Afraid Of Starting A Web Business

Most people dream of having their own business whether online or offline. Most people want to get off the rat race and quit their 9 to 5 job. Most people want to live a happy and financial free lifestyle with no boss looking over your shoulder. Yet only a small percentage of people actually do it and even a smaller…

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Dream Interpretation Common Symbols And Their Meanings

Dream interpretation has many forms; it can be done be done for the sake of fun, hobby or can be taken up as a serious career. Psychologists and therapists are already incorporating dream interpretation into their practice. They find it as a very useful tool to gain access to hidden desires and deep-rooted personality issues of a dreamer. Symbols and…

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Time Management

Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zones

Let’s face it, there will always be things we fear in life. Some of us fear the obvious “biggies” like heights, spiders, fires or flying. However, many of us develop fears around things that shouldn’t hinder us, but often do. Do you fear rejection? Taking risks? Failure? Success? All of us have the tendency to form “comfort zones” around ourselves:…

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Conquering Fear

What really keeps you from living your dreams? What problem is most dominant in peoples lives? The answer is: FEAR! People live every day in fear. Fear of losing their wealth, fear of losing their loved ones, fear of making the wrong decisions, fear of being themselves, fear of growing up, fear of making a commitment. The list goes on…

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Relax Your Way To Public Speaking

Believe it or not, fear of death is actually second to the one greatest fear that the majority of humanity seems tensely afraid of: fear of speaking in public. If fear is all that you are thinking, then forget about that presentation that could earn your company and you the necessary sales. Presentation and public speaking is one of the…

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