Web Hosting

Base Desires And Persuasion

I spend a lot of time thinking about persuasion. Over the last year and a half I’ve spent a tremendous amount of time thinking of self-persuasion and self-mastery and as a result have noticed some phenomenal results in my life. The only way to make progress in the outside world is to make progress on your inside world. By asking…

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The Four Keys To Excellent Health

Your healthy functioning body is the most valuable material asset you possess. It’s the first thing of value given to you when you enter this world and you owe it to yourself to value it and increase its functioning value. Today I will give you 4 keys to progressively creating a healthy body and life for yourself so that you…

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Your Diet And Nutrition Are You An Emotional Eater

Many people suffer from the same eating problems, but among those eating issues, there is on that stands out. Emotional eating. For most people, it is the leading cause of abnormal weight gain, as you end up compensating for your emotional distress by sitting down for a large snack. Once and a while this is fine, but do it too…

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Health Fitness

When The Quest For The Best Body Turns Worst

Body image is the sum of thoughts and feelings people have about their physical appearance. Oftentimes, the media tend to promote a body image that can be unrealistic. Featuring role models for beauty and weight who are unnaturally thin can affect the physiological and psychological well-being of young women, especially adolescents, who are just starting to become conscious of the…

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Health Fitness

Dangers Of Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa

Many people are suffering from eating disorders these days. The most common eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa (anorexia) and Bulimia Nervosa (bulimia). Both are very dangerous eating disorders that may even cause death. Eating disorders usually occur on the background of emotional instability, confusion, loneliness, depression and low-self esteem. Anorexia Nervosa is characterized by unusual behaviors related to food consumption,…

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Childhood Obesity

Along with the increase of obesity in adult, childhood obesity is on the rise. Around 15.5 percent of adolescents in the United States, aged 12 to 19 are obese. Even more alarming, about 15.3 percent of children ages 6 to 11 are obese. These children are developing Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure at an early age. They are…

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Weight Loss

Are Meal Replacements A Good Idea For Weight Loss

Think about the number one reasons why people are overweight nowadays. Overweight people fall into one of two different categories. Either they have an unhealthy lifestyle – working long hours, eating out all the time, not getting enough exercise – or they simply eat too much, often in a compulsive way. This type of eating – eating when one isn’t…

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Health Fitness

Eating Disorders Disturbances In Eating Behavior

Eating disorders are seldom distinguished as an outer expression of internal emotional pain and confusion. Eating disorders cause problems to millions of people, thousands of which will die from them yearly. There is good news though, eating disorders can be beaten. An eating disorder necessitates a distorted pattern of thinking about food and size/weight: there is a preoccupation and fascination…

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Paris Eating Out

No other country in the world enjoy mealtimes more than the French. With style and finesse, this national pastime unearths some exquisite dishes unmatched anywhere else on the planet. The top chefs parade round town like Hollywood movies stars, safe in the knowledge their culinary talents have blessed them with a lifestyle reserved for the rich and famous. Whilst eating…

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