Time Management

Manifesting Your Dreams And Desires

What are your dreams? Are you in a place in your life where part of it feels limited or exhausting? If so, it is the time for you to begin manifesting your dreams and desires. First of all you must remember that Miracles do happen and that it is time to reach for the top. Not to order from the…

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Conflict Resolution Tactics Inspired By Cats Dolphins

Enlightening PERSPECTIVES on conflict resolution have been inspired in me by sacred animals, Jessie Justin Joy , the feline teacher and dolphins. Does peace ever occur in the outer or is the idea of “peace” the ego’s way of saying, my way? Perhaps peace has been here now eternally and is simply waiting for us to dissolve back into her-his…

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On Ebay Aida Is More Than An Opera By Verdi

Ask most people what Aida is and they will tell you it is an opera set in Egypt. Ask a marketing person and they will tell you that it is the sales formula that all advertising must incorporate if it is to succeed.The letters stand for: A Attention I Interest D Desire A Action It is a formula that can…

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What Are Your Abilities

For every individual some moment comes when it seems logical to ask if that is what they want to do till the rest of their days. Indeed, according to the statistics, 25% of those involved in various industries have no interest in what they manufacture or produce or sell. The truth is that no one will be successful in the…

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Burning Desire Golden Key Or Red Herring

Acres of Diamonds… you’ve read the famous story, or at least had it related to you. A farmer hears tales of diamonds and begins dreaming of vast riches. He sells his farm and hikes off over the horizon, never to be heard from again. Rumors say that years later he died destitute, never having found the diamonds he spent his…

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