Web Hosting

Are You Having Fun Following The Crowd

Jump on the bandwagon is how they say it! Join the crowd. Go with the majority. Do what everyone else is doing. There are many ways to say it but if you are doing one of those things, chances are, you are not as successful as you would like to be. In business and success, if you follow the majority,…

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Goal Setting

Tips For Successful Goal Setting

When we first begin working toward a goal, we are filled with passion, fire and excitement. We feel invincible and we just know that we can accomplish whatever we desire. We take off running toward our goal, determined to make it happen, and we know we CAN make it happen. Then we begin to encounter some obstacles. We may struggle…

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Time Management

The Secret Of Success Desire Duty Or Dereliction

People go through this thing that we call life and while some are incredibly successful, there are others who just “get by” until the final curtain is drawn. Determining your level of actual involvement in your life – and thus, your level of success – can be broken down into 3 categories: Desire, Duty, or Dereliction. Desire Following the path…

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You Only Need 51 Belief To Begin Attracting

I’ve seen too many people ‘beat themselves up’ as they learn about the Law of Attraction and begin to apply it in their lives. Why are they so hard on themselves? Because when their desire doesn’t materialize in a few days, they think they aren’t doing it right or they don’t believe enough. They are under the impression that in…

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On The Nature Of Evil

In psychological terms, evil is an aberration of the ego. An evil ego has a strong desire to dominate other egos. An evil person knows that terror is the most effective way to dominate other people because terror induces incapacitating fear. People who are stricken with fear cannot take effective action to defend themselves and while they are in that…

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Wealth Education Using Affirmations

If you are a big fan of personal develoment wealth education courses, books and seminars, you probably would have probably known that great wealth education and personal development teachers such as Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor and Anthony Robbins have often talk about positive affirmations to attract wealth, health or whatever you desire. Is it true that you can attract anything…

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Web Hosting

Driven By Or Just Driven

“Drive thy business or it will drive thee,” states Benjamin Franklin in Poor Richard’s Almanac. Every great business started in the heart of a hopeful individual and then at the meeting table of important people, be they a husband and wife at the dinner table or a group of business people at a bar with cocktails. Eventually the idea blossomed…

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Real Estate

The Power Of Appreciation

If you truly want to bring into your life everything that you desire, then start with appreciating all that you have now. Here’s how it works – you bring into your life whatever it is that you focus your thoughts upon. So, if you focus on all the lack in your life, you get more lack. But if you focus…

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Goal Setting

Goal Setting Attainment

I am sure that many of you are deep into the drama and excitement of the holiday season. There is so much to be done and so much to think about and consider that many can hardly think of anything else. However, when the excitement is over, our attention typically turns the closing of one year and the beginning of…

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