
Aviation Having Fun In The Sky Part 1

Aviation in America has a long and glorious tradition dating all the way back to the days of the Wright Brothers. When these two men decided they would make a flying machine, most people thought they were insane. Man is not meant to fly, that is for the birds. It is impossible, physically and technically and it can never happen.…

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Web Hosting

Email Marketing The Timing And The Relevance

If you look hard enough you will find research on almost any given topic. For instance, were you aware that there are certain times when sending email marketing is probably a bad idea? There are also times when sending marketing emails makes perfect sense. Monday and Friday – These two days are not as useful to email marketing as other…

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Weight Loss

Weight Loss Survey Why Dieters Fail To Lose Weight

Current levels of overweight and obesity, together with weight-related disease, have made weight control a major health priority throughout America. Yet statistics indicate that average weight reduction on conventional diets adds up to a mere 5-8 pounds per year. So why do we find dieting so difficult? According to a new survey(1), the answer seems to be: because we make…

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Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Know The Can Spam Act

The amount of false information available about e-mail marketing on the net is staggering. If you are advertising your affiliate program through e-mail campaigns, make sure you know what your responsibilities are. The lawless days of spam e-mail are over, at least for U.S.A. based advertisers. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act)…

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How To Eat Cheaply In London

London is famous for its delicious food and the quality as also high prices of its restaurant food. A meal with wine at a good restaurant will cost you all your weekly money. However, there is a way of eating all fine food without losing your head. Firstly, look for bargains and special offers. London is a huge competition market…

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Goal Setting

What Is Your Challenge

Welcome another year! Why do most New Year’s Resolutions fail? By now, many New Years resolutions would be thrown out, forgotten, shrugged off. There is always next year. Why do they fail? Perhaps, because theseBy now, many New Years resolutions would be thrown out, forgotten, shrugged off. There is always next year. Diet? Lose weight? Cut down on the use…

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