
Credit Card Danger

What I call the, “I want it NOW” syndrome, is something that we expect from children. The problem being that many adults never mature enough to grow out of this syndrome. People should get credit counseling at a very young age – it should be a required curriculum in our school system. There are many theories as to why people…

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Wealth Building

Loan Payment Protection Insurance Still Facing Problems

Despite the fact that the Financial Services Authority (FSA) investigated the payment protection insurance (PPI) sector and set out guidelines which those selling the cover were to follow, over 4,000 cases of mis-selling are being investigated in 2007. While this fact alone is bad enough, the figure is twice that of the year before, giving consumers cause for concern when…

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Real Estate

Changes Afoot In The Broader Real Estate Market

It’s finally happening. The recent repeated warnings of economists and industry watchers predicted the housing boom of the 2000s is winding down. The recent news is full of reports about slowing existing home sales, rising inventories, longer selling cycles and lower asking prices. So if the housing market finally appears to be cooling down, commercial real estate investors should take…

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Credit Cards Why Are They So Popular

Credit cards have ballooned in popularity over the last decade. While once the preserve of the very rich, or very indebted, they are now available to practically everyone who wants them. They have become far easier to get a hold of. There is also a huge variety of choice out there for anyone who wants a credit card. Different Types…

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Web Hosting

Disclosures On Software Discounts

If a person enters a store to purchase software for their home computer system, they will be exposed to many disclosures on software discounts throughout the store. These disclosures on software discounts might be identified by then manufacturers item description that states the program is discounted because the warranty has run out on the item. When a consumer sees this…

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Web Hosting

Coupon Frauds

Online shopping is in a booming spree as more retailers take their business to online stores what they call as e-tailors (electronic retailers) instead of traditional brick and mortar stores. As per a study conducted by the National Retail Federation there are approximately 52 million people search the net hunting the best deals. One can find online coupons everywhere like…

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Web Hosting

Customer Service Customers Serving Customers

Did you know that an online business forum could pay significant dividends in customer service? Customer service is a very important aspect of your online business. Some businesses err on the side of too little interest shown to customers while others can be extremely overbearing and smother a new client until they consider a restraining order. There is a middle…

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