Reference Education

Used Books Save You Money

With the increased cost of printing and publishing, buying new books is becoming a very costly affair. However, students and researchers need not worry as they can always buy used books from any local bookstore. Books used by students, scholars or professors do not always end up at the state library and instead end up at the local resellers. These…

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Stop Wasting Time And Money

Getting a manuscript published has never been easier; marketing and selling books has never been harder. Authors who pursue the smallest place for their Independent book on the shelf of a traditional bookseller is wasting valuable time and resources. The six largest publishers in the world, all based in New York (five owned by foreign corporations), tightly controls the traditional…

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What Are Your Kids Reading

Responsible parenting is very much on everyone’s mind these days. Everywhere you look there are articles being written about it, television shows and videos which aim to alert parents to potential dangers facing their children, and websites and home pages filled with useful and helpful tips. The concerned parent has never had as many tools or as much information available…

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The Vision Of James Allen Who Was Allen

James Allen’s inspirational writings have touched the hearts, and influenced millions of people around the world – yet today, he still remains almost unknown, to the vast majority! It is said, he never gained much fame or fortune… and this unrewarded genius rarely made enough money from his writings, to even cover his expenses. As A Man Thinketh by James…

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How To Avoid Divorce

Every marriage hits a rough spot occasionally. And while not every marriage should attempt to be salvaged, a great many more than are saved today should and can be through concerted efforts. So, the first step in avoiding divorce is recognizing that the fact that you have come to this point in your relationship is not unusual, but it does…

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A Copywriting Lesson From Dr Seuss

Looking for inspiration for your next marketing communication? Try the children’s bookshelf. Dr. Seuss has entertained young (and old) audiences for nearly 50 years with titles such as The Cat in the Hat, Hop on Pop and Green Eggs and Ham. The reason why his books remain so popular says something about what makes for good writing (and reading), no…

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