Time Management

Benefit From 50 Books Each Year

I didn’t believe it the first time I heard a friend of mine say – “I benefit from the reading of 50 books each year… in my spare time”. Knowing how demanding her time was because of her top position in her job and because she is a single mom, I was certain she was lying and I told her…

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Health Fitness

Finding Recipes Low Calorie Style

If you are one of the many people that have decided to take the low calorie leap, you are probably at a loss as to where to find recipes to cook. It is great to want to eat healthier, but sometimes you need a little guidance. If you need help finding recipes, low calorie style, here are few simple ways…

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Web Hosting

Choosing A Twin Loop Wire Binding Machine

Twin loop wire (also known as Wire-O) binding provides an exceptionally elegant and professional looking solution for report and proposal binding. Perhaps you have seen proposals that have been bound with wire binding and would like to try this type of binding in your office. This article is intended to give you a few tips to help in deciding what…

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The Pleasure That Kids Find From Books

Kids have the impeccable attitude to get preoccupied in the delight of a great book. Books for kids are ultimately the inspiration for healthy imaginative play, long term reading skills, and even the springboard for theoretical conversation at the dinner table. While kids are often on the go and don’t take the time to slow down for a good read,…

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Great Literature A Great Buy

There are many things in life to spend money on. From cars and bikes to clothes and computers, there is never a lack of things you can buy. Most people forget to spend money on one thing of great and lasting value: good literature. Literature. You studied it in school. You had to read it and then write about it.…

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The Advantages Of Interactive Books For Children

There are many technological tools on the market today geared towards parents who wish to help educate and entertain their children. Computers have become a big part of that technology, from the more simplistic portable computerized toys to actual computer applications designed to help children acquire useful skills while promoting fun. Interactive books are among those applications. The concept of…

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Wealth Building

Used Textbooks Get Them Online Before They Sell Out

Used textbooks are a cheaper alternative to new textbooks and are in high demand by most students who shop at their local college booksellers. Used textbooks are also sold on a national and even global scale through online merchant and auction websites which allow shoppers to search many major new and used book sellers at a time for specific titles.…

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It S A Great Time To Be An Independent Writer

The world of publishing is about to change. It’s an exciting time to be an Independent author. This long ignored group is beginning to organize and establish an entirely new marketplace for selling books. A community introducing voices never heard and stories never told to the world. What they need is an on-line destination created for Independently published writers to…

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