
Mayor Villaraigosa Shares Control Of The Los Angeles Schools

Last month, I wrote in an article about Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa proposing a legislative bill to take control of the Los Angeles schools (see Los Angeles Schools Strongly Opposed to Takeover by Mayor Villaraigosa). Reform Bill 1381 passed the state legislature at the end of August, with some changes. Villaraigosa, who portrayed himself as the one person who…

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Washington State Bans Online Gambling

In the ongoing battle of Internet poker and online casino gambling, the state of Washington passed a law banning online gambling making it illegal for any resident inside of the state to participate in online casino play. If you are a resident in the state of Washington, and you are caught in the act of online wagering, you could face…

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Coaching Celebrities

I’ve kept the same cell phone number for the past 7-8 years. I’ve lived in NYC, NC and now Florida and in all that time, I’ve never changed phone numbers. Nor will I. Sure, it’s inconvenient for my mom who lives across town to have to dial a NYC phone to get me and I’m only a few miles away,…

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Dodge Those Credit Card Fees

Credit card bills can be expensive. Sometimes they can be simply too expensive. Depending on how you use your credit cards, and how much you spend, and how disciplined and controlled you are over your own spending, you may or may not have trouble paying your credit card bills when it comes to the end of the month and the…

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Home Family

How To Reduce Your Hospital Bills

The medical industry, unlike virtually every other business, loves to keep their prices secret. They do this, very simply, so they can make more money. Only by shopping your medical care, demanding price transparency, negotiating for the best price, and carefully reviewing your bill can you be assured that you are getting a fair price, and not being ripped off.…

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Entelechy Speaks To Bill George About Authentic Leadership

I’ve had the pleasure and honor to meet some of the world’s greatest leaders and leadership gurus, from Sir Richard Branson, General Tommy Franks, and Captain Mike Abrashoff to Dr. Warren Bennis, Dr. Henry Mintzberg, and Tom Peters. I recently had the opportunity to meet with Bill George, former chairman and chief executive of Medtronic, Inc., the world’s leading medical…

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Credit Cards

Consolidate Your Credit Card Debt

Consolidating your credit card debt is actually one of the smartest decision you could ever make. Credit card consolidation is ideal for anyone who is looking to have better credit now, and in the future. Consolidation is very common these days, and it is actually a sure way to combine your debt and make sure that you never get yourself…

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Web Hosting

Bill Farley Chopra Center And Zrii

The establishment of the Chopra Center endorsing Zrii has an interesting story behind it. It certainly did not just happen over night. Many people have tried to get the Chopra name on their health products in the past with no avail. So the fact that Zrii has the Chopra Center backing them is worth our attention…and Bill Farley is the…

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