Wealth Building

Avoiding Bankruptcy With Credit Card Debt Relief

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Texas Holdem Paying Tight Aggressive Best Strat

As Many may know by now, When Playing Texas Holdem, any semi-decent player will have a playing style that is tight and aggressve. This means that they will be aggressive and call often but they will only wager on the strong hands. An expirence my friend Bill had will turn that theory upsideown. At a casino he frequented, A man…

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Save Money Using A Credit Card

If you are a conscious and energetic saver, then you have most probably been told that credit cards are bad and evil things that you need to stay well away from! However, used the right way, a credit card can be a great way to save money! So, how can you save money by using a credit card? Let the…

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Credit Cards

How To Avoid Late Fees

Although it may be overstated, there is a lot of truth to people ruining their credit score due to missing payments and paying their credit card bills late. The fees can pile up and the interest rates can grow before you know it, and after a while you won’t even be able to pay the minimum amount of payment. If…

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Do You Bank Online

If you haven’t made it to the world of options offered in bank-online fields, the fact is that you should be. Yes, there are many opportunities for you to walk into a teller and get your information taken care of. But when do you pay bills? Do you do it in the middle of the night, usually the night before…

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Online Dating Safety Tips

There’s thrill, excitement, and nervousness when meeting someone you met over the Net for the first time. But, you must exercise caution when meeting someone you barely know. Below are some tips to guide you safely when dating. 1. Make arrangements when meeting. Do not let the person pick you up from your house. 2. You should meet in places…

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Wealth Building

Maybe You Can Afford Health Insurance

As a health insurance agent, I call many potential clients and hear the same thing! They tell me that they’ve already spoken to an insurance agent, know how much health insurance will cost them, and tell me that they are very sorry, but they just cannot afford the bill! When I ask them how much the agent quoted them, I…

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