
Methods Of Preventing Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) describes a cluster of symptoms that involve many systems of the body. The following bacteria commonly cause TSS: 1. Staphylococcus aureus 2. Streptococcus pyogenes TSS from Staphylococcus infections was identified in the late 70s and early 80s when highly absorbent tampons were widely used in menstruating women. Due to manufacturing changes in tampons, the incidence of…

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Mens Issues

The Importance Of Penis Hygiene

Hygiene is a cornerstone of modern civilization. We all know that people living in the period of time between the end of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the modern age were not particularly concerned with washing. Some saw washing as an unnecessary luxury, others saw it as the first step toward sinning by indulging the pleasures of flesh.…

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Health Fitness

Bad Breath Cause

Although you may want to consult your physician if you have a particular problem with bad breath, the following general advice will give you insight into the likeliest cause of a bad breath problem. The principal bad breath cause is associated with bacteria in the mouth. This can flourish when the saliva flow in the mouth is reduced. Lack of…

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Health Fitness

Body Odour Smells False Identity Of Deodorant

The human body and every part of it have their own offensive and in some unfortunate cases repulsive smell. Body Odour Smells if left unattended can turn into a horrible stench. Many types of odour are common enough for their identities to be pinpointed to certain regions of the body. Take the feet or under the arms these are both…

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Home Family

Tips For A Cleaner Healthier Home

How clean is clean? Understanding the difference between a home that looks clean and a home that is properly disinfected is especially important. A room may appear immaculate, but millions of germs and bacteria are lurking where you least expect them. To protect your family from illness, you must disinfect all areas to destroy germs and prevent them from spreading.…

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Alternative Medicine

Toenail Fungus Toenail Fungus Treatments That Work And Those That Dont

The basic premise behind this odd sounding natural toenail fungus treatment is to soften nails with beer, create an acidic environment with vinegar which is beneficial to good bacteria and deadly to fungus and then penetrate nails with specific beneficial bacteria to help kill and prevent further recurrences. Essential Ingredients: Acidophilus Sachets containing a specific strain of 125 billion organisms.…

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Home Improvement

Purifier Breath Free Drink Pure

Are you aware of the huge amount of dust and bacteria that you breathe and drink? Having a purifier in the house has become a necessity. There are various types of purifiers depending on the material you want to purify. Some of the common ones are the air purifier and water purifier. Various environmental researches claim that the air inside…

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Germs In The Kitchen

Every day you see television commercials for the latest germ-killing products on the market. Companies are constantly reminding you of the pesky, persistent bacteria that apparently attacks your home throughout the day. It’s remarkable that something so small, that you can only see with it a microscope, can be so harmful! But germs are real. However, you have to know…

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Health Fitness

Who Should Receive The Pneumonia Vaccine

Pneumonia is a common pulmonary disease and it has a high incidence in children and elderly people. Although pneumonia can also occur in adults, people with a good general health and a strong immune system usually develop milder forms of the disease. Pneumonia affects around 3 million people in the United States each year. Although there are medical treatments for…

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What Bacteria Causes Eye Styes

Styes are caused by staphylococcal bacteria. This disease appears due to debilitated condition of the system. An Eye stye occurs when staphylococcal bacteria infect one of the tiny glands at the base of the eyelid hairs and then becomes inflamed. A chalazion can sometimes be mistaken for a stye. A chalazion or stye is a small lump on the eyelid…

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