Disease Illness

The Halitosis Of Bad Breath

Bad Breath or Halitosis is the term used to describe unpleasant smell exhaled in breathing. There are different types of Halitosis. Transient bad breath is very common and is caused due to oral dryness, stress, hunger, eating foods containing garlic and onions, smoking and poor oral hygiene. Morning breath and chronic bad breath are the other types. The latter affects…

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Health Fitness

Mistreated Strep Throat In Adults Can Lead To Complications

Strep throat isn’t considered to be a serious illness. Many people get strep throat on the premises of improper hygiene, decreased body resistance to illness, fatigue or unhealthy diet. All these factors facilitate the development of infections with the bacteria responsible for causing strep throat. Although people with a weak immune system are more likely to get strep throat, the…

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Acidophilus Lactobacillus Acidophilus Abc

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a lactic acid producing bacteria. Some scientifics think that acidophilus have beneficial effects on digestion and overall health. Acidophilus can be found in yogurt and other dairy products, which named acidophilus as probiotics. Acidophilus aids digestive system, because different factors decrease the number of lactic acid producing bacteria that live and work in the gastrointestinal tract and…

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The Relation Between Ulcer And Bacteria

Until recently, medical scientists believed that ulcer was solely caused by an overproduction of digestive fluids at the level of the stomach. Considering that stomach and duodenal ulcers occurred as a consequence of excessive acidity, doctors commonly prescribed antacids as a main form of treatment for gastric disorders. However, these medications alone were unable to completely overcome ulcer and medical…

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This Winter Help Maintain Your Immune System With Regular Consumption Of Probiotics

Ah-choo! The cold winter months are here. To help keep your immune system working at its optimal level, it’s key to keep up good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle. And part of good eating is incorporating probiotics–also known as “good” bacteria–into your diet. Probiotics are defined as “living microorganisms that confer a health benefit to the host when administered…

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Acne Prevention Hygiene And Medication

Proper Hygiene One of the most common misconceptions about acne is that it’s caused by dirt. It’s not! Acne is caused by a combination of factors you can’t control, like your hormone balance and the natural pace of your skin’s renewal system. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can control that may help you keep your acne in…

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Acne Treatment Know About All Topical Treatments

Before we discuss the topical treatments for acne we have to note down the effects we desire from those treatments. The desired results in acne treatment are- reduce inflammation, open the closed pores, kill the bacteria and reduce the oil. To get these results the following topical treatments are generally used- Benzoyl Peroxide-The most common medicine that has been used…

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Disease Illness

Bad Breath And Gingivitis

Does this sound familiar to you? My dentist and hygienist mentioned that I had irritated gums as they cleaned my teeth. This is a symptom of gingivitis. Gingivitis can be a stepping stone to major problems in the mouth and gum line. It can lead to periodontal disease, which is a much more serious problem with the potential for actual…

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Antibiotics I Think Not

Have you noticed that doctors are now being much more reluctant to give you a prescription for antibiotics unless it’s proven that you are indeed suffering from a bacterial infection? Well, I wish I could say better late than never, but in the case of antibiotics, we’re far too late. Antibiotics were once touted as a modern miracle and they…

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Understanding Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is a common type of skin infection that is commonly found on teens. Understanding what cystic acne is can help you to better treat this condition on your own body. For many individuals, it is traumatizing in the way that their outward appearance is flawed by these small but powerful infections. The skin becomes inflamed here and it…

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