
Squaring The Golf Club At Impact The Rotator Cuff And Golf Fitness

We all know the clubface must be square at impact and the club releases thereafter. Generally speaking a large amount of golf swing mechanics center upon returning the clubface to square at impact. Additionally, the golf swing is a “total body” movement incorporating every joint in the body. In order for the clubface to be square at impact all of…

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Product Reviews

Robotic Arms And Robotics

The word robot comes from the Czech word “robota”, meaning “forced labor.” The stuff of science fiction robotics in the 21st century is different than your parents or your grandparents’ ideas of robotics. What used to be thought of as futuristic improbability is now becoming a reality. There are, theoretically, three Laws of Robotics. The Laws of Robotics were developed…

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Benefits And Usefulness Of Trikanasana

Trikanasana is also known as the Triangle Pose. As and when you look at the asana you can easily notice why this name has been given to this asana. It works out every muscle of your body from the arms to the legs. It is a great way to shed some of the excess weight you have been carrying all…

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Arm Exercise

Whether you want to tone and define weak arms so that you can wear something sleeveless with confidence or you want to increase muscle mass, working the muscles in the front and back of the upper arms will help you get there. Most people new to bodybuilding pay a lot of attention to building big arms, sometimes to the point…

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Web Hosting

Ergonomic Mouse

Ergonomics for workplace is being highly accepted by organizations. Everyone is aware of the importance of human resource and hence there is an increased investment for keeping the employees fit and productive. Continuous use of desktops at workplace has lead to many big and small ailments in past. The employee productivity and turnover both have been affected by the same.…

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Whats Going To Be The Video Game News For 08

Even if the PS3 came out with a bit of a slow start in 2007 don’t let that fool you… the PS3 is just gearing up for a great year with some expected hot releases. Here’s a rundown of three games coming out in ’08.. EA’s NFL Tour, Free Radical Design’s HAZE, and Konami’s Coded Arms Assault. NFL Tour Coming…

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Self Improvement

If I Only Had One Arm

Sometimes it is good to reflect on how life would be if you did not have some of the things that are so useful to us but that we take for granted as we live each day. Things like ample amounts of food you will appreciate better if you fast once in a while. Or maybe electricity, which if not…

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