
Take Time To Invest

There are many worthy ways to spend your time and energy. Our society is in desperate need of people who will care about people and things other than themselves. There are many ways that adults can help leave a positive legacy for the generations behind them. One of the best ways that we as adults can care for the world…

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Tips For Reducing Your Risk

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the number-one killer of Americans in the U.S. Most Americans are unaware that taking precautionary measures such as consuming a healthy diet, managing stress levels and getting adequate physical activity can go a long way in reducing the risks of heart-related diseases. Here are five simple steps that you can take…

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Health Fitness

Alcohol Treatment Save Your Life

Alcoholism is not a problem that is exclusive to adults. Many teenagers find themselves addicted to alcohol even though the legal drinking age is twenty-one. The pressure to fit in with others and the pressure to be popular among peers may play a significant role in drug and alcohol abuse among this population. Eventually, many of these teens need to…

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Young Adults Need To Seek Wealth Literacy Not Financial Literacy

Today there is much talk about how young adults are financially illiterate as if financial literacy were adequate to build wealth. Millions of people have read one of the best financial literacy books out there “Rich Dad,Poor Dad” yet there is a loss of translation somewhere between the sound principles of financial literacy and their utility in building wealth. Somewhere,…

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Holiday Travel With Family Fun

Family holidays can be fun and exciting for all ages. Here are some pointers for finding the best holiday for your family. First you need to determine the common interests of the family. Ask your children what they would like to see and what they’re studying in school. If you have very young children then usually you will know better…

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Disease Illness

Trying To Understand Adhd

ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a mental disorder that approximately three to seven percent of children have. Those that are affected by this disorder are characterized by constant behavior, lots of activity and often thought of as being disobedient. Yet, it is not that the individual is being bad but more so that they cannot control their…

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Be Proactive With Acne Treatment

At some point in life, most people deal with acne. It is one of life’s most annoying realities that doesn’t seem to be a respector of persons. As a dermatologist, I am constantly meeting with teenagers, young adults and adults that are tired of struggling with acne and that are desperate for acne treatment that works. Effective and healthy acne…

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Don T Divorce Your Children

Divorce is certainly an emotional time for families. In fact, it ranks as one of the most stressful experiences in life. However, it is not only the adults who experience this stress. If the adults are parents, their children often suffer greatly. Their suffering can not be entirely eliminated. A certain amount of grief at the ‘death’ of their parents’…

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