
Mind Over Matter You Are What You Believe

If you could be anything and do anything, who would you be and what would you do? Most people do not recognize the power available to them in their own mind. Winston Churchill once said: “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” He should know. After all, he led his country against all odds to fight off…

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It S In The Habits

Do you want to know the true secret to success in life and business? I am sure you do. Everyone wants to know this secret. If you have this secret in your heart and mind, if you live it, for you no limits will exist. It is really very simple. I myself discovered it by chance. I love good food…

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Mental Preparation For Success

Congratulations! You have decided to start your own online business! That’s great. There are many online money making opportunities that you are going to be able to take advantage of. I know how you feel right now and what you have done up to this point. You are eager to get started, you can’t wait. You have already done some…

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Being Slow It S A Go

Brandon had always been thought of as “slow.” He talked slowly; he walked slowly; he read slowly and he ate slowly. He was a nine-year-old boy in fourth grade. Many of Brandon’s classmates made fun of him because he could not process information quickly. “Mom, I don’t mean to be so slow,” he told his Mother. “I know, sweetheart,” she…

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Why You Need A Mentor

Years ago, I decided I wanted to play the guitar. Keen and eager, I rushed out and bought a guitar, amplifier, effects pedals and a few books. I got it all home, plugged it all in and then made a noise that sounded like a herd of cats all caterwauling out of tune. After some days and weeks of struggling…

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Napoleon Hill And Dan Pena Knew This Success Secret

Napoleon Hill made more millionaires over his lifetime than anyone who came before him…even more than Andrew Carnegie. His book, ‘Think and Grow Rich’ even today influences the minds of people all around the world. But how did Dr. Hill become so tremendous? So outrageously successful? At a very early age, he understood a very important success principle. ‘Billionaire’ Dan…

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Success In Life Is Possible Right Now

Success in life? What is it? If you’re making money doing something you enjoy, are you less successful than someone who happens to make more money? Of course not! Your life isn’t a competition against others, to be fought on their terms. Two businessmen can be compared for their success in business, but this doesn’t tell us about their entire…

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Steps To Take To Stay On Your Mission

You believe you’re on the right track. You have defined a career mission, set up goals in line with your mission, and you’ve even set up a daily priority plan. Now effective time management should kick in and simply take care of itself, right? Not so fast! As you become more productive, you may find that you’ll be forced to…

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