
Success Is Just A Matter Of Time

There is a great quote that goes “Time is God’s way of keeping everything from happening at once” and perhaps this is key to our understanding of why things are the way they are. Time is there for us to experience and through that experience, learn and grow. Our limited sensory perception allow us only to experience events one at…

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Self Growth Building Character And Integrity

It’s been said that character is defined by what you do when you think no one is watching. What an illuminating concept that is. Most of us have a public face and a private face. There are parts of ourselves we don’t want the world to see. Typically, we tend to hide the aspects that would not be viewed favorably…

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No News Is Good News

Did you watch the news on television today? Did you hear it on the radio? Did you happen to listen to your favorite talk radio show today? Watch a movie? A television show? Do you feel good because of it? What effect do these things have on us in our daily lives? Do they invoke a positive mental attitude? Probably…

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Multiple Steps To Success

Having an interest in online business, I often frequent forums that are for people who have or want a successful online business. There is one theme that recurs time and time again, and one that touches me with sadness. That is, the number of people who sound despondent and want to give up. You may think that such an attitude…

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The Nasty Ten 10 Ways To Disrupt Your Success

For some people who are failing to become successful, they are their own enemies. From time to time, we are all guilty of behaviors that hinder our own success. If you commit the following blunders, you will be undermining your own success. 1. Forget your goals and visions, or not having them at all. What do you want to achieve…

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The Impossible Dream

The 72,500 men, women and children sat in an uncomfortable silence, no one daring to cough, no one daring to speak, each one focussed on the young 27 year old. Each one knowing, this was the start of the impossible dream. The dream they had had for 27 years. A dream they had dreamed every year of this boy’s life.…

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Success has come to mean many things to people in today’s changing society, but certain aspects of it remain fundamentally the same. Success whether it be financial, emotional, physical, emotional, or spiritual, involves achievement and a sense of accomplishment and the positive happy feelings associated with creating. Success that is based upon emotional and spiritual wellness, has a center and…

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How Big Is Yours

I would guess that you have so problems in your life haven’t you? Do some of them seem overwhelming, massive and unconquerable? If you stood at the bottom of Mount Everest and looked up, it would appear incredibly huge and insurmountable, wouldn’t it? What if you changed your perspective and perhaps got in a helicopter and hovered near the top,…

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