Stress Management

How To Combat Stress

Tips To Ease Tension We all know what it feels like to get emotionally mangled by the weight of day to day struggles. Our bosses yell at us, our spouses yell at us – it feels like an endless circle where getting ahead at the office can leave us with so little energy for home that home turns into battlefield…

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Stress Management

How To Minimize Stress In Your Life

Every parent gets stressed. Its a part of life. How we deal with our stress will help shape the emotional health of our children. This article shows simple keys on how to deal with stress appropriately. Use these simple tips to minimize stress in your day to day living. Lower your expectations and you will suffer less disappointment. Try seeing…

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Stress Management

Occupational Stress Management

There are many people in the world who can not stand where they work. Their occupation causes them no end of stress and can leave them struggling to get to sleep at night. There are also many days taken off sick through stress related illnesses. It is now time for people to deal with these issues and to start to…

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Stress Management

My Fear Of Heights And A Hot Air Balloon

Hot air ballooning is a different kettle of fish. Now I know hot air balloons fly (sort of) however there are no in-flight rations, flight attendants, movies, headsets, or pressurized cabins. There is just a big balloon (also called an envelope – I paid attention during the pre-flight briefing), a basket, a gas burner and a group of excited people.…

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Stress Management

Achieve Instant Calm The Wise Woman Way

For instant calm, Susun Weed suggests one or more of the following simple calming exercises, herbal allies, or movements, and can give you more details on how and why they work: Unfreeze yourself: Curl up in a fetal position (on your side with keens drawn up), breathe deeply, and hum. You may want to rock back and forth. Concentrate on…

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Stress Management

Stress Management

Have you ever said the words, “This job/my life is so stressful!” Or something else along those lines? Most people believe that stress is something that happens in their lives. They believe it is the result of outside circumstances beyond their control. We are stressed if our work is too difficult. We get stressed when people in our lives aren’t…

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Stress Management

How To Stress Relief Easily

Steam bathing provides a cardiovascular workout without stress or strain on your joints. You heart rate will speed up 50-75% in a 20-minute steam bath. This goes a long way to speeding up your metabolism, thus helping you burn fat. It is about the same as going for a long walk. Some people are under the conception that steam baths…

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