
The Mystery Behind Saturn S Moon Enceladus

The Cassini-Huygens exploration of Saturn, a seven-year joint venture of NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Italian Space Agency, is getting a closer look at its current subject of attention, the small moon of Enceladus. Enceladus is one of the most innermost moons of Saturn which scientists had assumed to be largely dead. With a very bright surface it…

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Is There A Waterproof Solar Charger

Many people using solar chargers want to know if there is a waterproof solar charger available. Most of these people who like to use their solar chargers while at the beach are afraid that the water splashing around will ruin their chargers. Solar chargers are very durable and most can withstand the normal splashing that occurs at the beach. The…

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The Role Of Private Enterprise In Putting Man Into Space

Has NASA, the monolithic space agency, failed in it’s quest to put man out into the cosmos? Will profit coupled with man’s need to explore be the driving engine which sends man into the cosmos? Think about what has moved technology forward within the American society over the past 100 years or so. Was Orville and Wilbur Wright employed by…

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Using The Sun For Power How It Works

With massive rebate programs and tax credits being issued by state and federal governments, using the sun to generate electricity is very popular. So, how does it work? Generating electricity from the sun is all about converting sunlight into power. Importantly, the process has nothing to do with converting the heat produced by sunlight into energy. This common misconception leads…

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Wind Farms Limitations As Energy Platforms

As modern society searches around for alternative energy sources, wind farms are getting mention. There are, however, limitations regarding wind farms as major energy alternatives. Wind Farms – Limitations as Energy Platforms Wind power is an enticing energy platform compared to fossil fuels. The process works by using the inherent energy in wind as a method for producing electricity. The…

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Tiwanaku Alien And Evolution

It was mentioned on a biology blog that archaeological engravings from the Tiwanaku civilization in Bolivia are unlikely to be depicting an ancient astronaut for the reason that, even with an aquatic tail, the creature still looks too much like a human. The underlying argument was that the evolution of life forms is so diverse that it is highly unlikely…

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Grameen Shakti And The Solar Revolution

Grameen Shakti is a renewable energy resources company based out of Bangladesh. They are a part of the Grameen family of companies, which has been working for decades to alleviate the burdens of poverty in developing countries. The Grameen Bank, one of their founding companies, has become world-renowned for their charitable work and for helping to establish groundbreaking programs focused…

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The Invention Of Television

The transmission of images obsessed inventors as early as 1875 when George Carey of Boston proposed his cumbersome system. Only five years later, the principle of scanning a picture, line by line and frame by frame – still used in modern television sets – was proposed simultaneously in the USA (by W.E. Sawyer) and in France (by Maurice Leblanc). The…

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Ethnicity Testing Where Has Your Dna Been

Have you ever wondered about your ethnic origin? Do you know for sure where all your ancestors were from and which countries’ histories were a direct influence on the people who made you who you are? I’ve always known I’m Canadian, but not until recently did I wonder: am I part Finnish? It was just last week when I was…

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Fuel Cell Power The Energy Of The Future

Many scientific and engineering thought leaders consider fuel cell power stacks as the primary technology in the evolution of electronic or alternative fuel automobiles within the next decade. According to Makino, a global provider of advanced machining technology, technologically advanced vertical machining centers are proven to be the ideal method for machining and manufacturing molds for the production of fuel…

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