
The Hoodia Scams Have Lasted Long Enough

The big news about Hoodia supplements is that almost all Hoodia Gordonii products available today are ineffective – using fake hoodia. A well respected health author claims over 90% of the hoodia gordonii are known to be fake. This data seems to be backed up my major testing facilities who are claiming similar numbers. So we did some research of…

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Which Phones Are Restricted And How To Unlock

If you are one of the nearly 200 million American cell phone users, you probably signed a contract to get a steal of a deal on your phone. While this contract might be fine and dandy if you stay in the same town or city, travelers risk high roaming and per minute fees if they venture out of service area.…

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Disruptive Technologies Part 1 How Music Editors Are Related To Steam Engines

I am not into technologies, those that change so ever fast, and always. But I do observe technological trends, along which the development of scientific applications revolves. And of all trends, perhaps disruptive technologies are the defining path of industrial implications, a linear passage that technological progress almost invariably follows. Though the concept of “disruptive technologies” is only popularized in…

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Air Bag Suspension Technology Replace Mechanical Leaf Springs

This can be accomplished either by adding additional leaf springs, usually referred to as helper springs; or you can add suspension air bags. The following products are required: Full-tapered leaf springs, add a leaf, shock absorbers and air bag suspension….. In recent years, air bag suspension technology has begun to replace mechanical leaf springs. – Manufacture of air suspension parts…

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Making Math Fun With Everyday Activities

Ever wonder if your insecurities about math will be passed down to your children? You’re not alone. Many parents who struggled with math in the past believe that their children may have similar problems in the future. Relax. Remedial and even advanced math skills are not genetic. You can help your child acquire a love of math by turning everyday…

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Teens Need Math To Land Dream Jobs

What do doctors, lawyers and architects have in common? For one, they are among teens’ hottest career choices. They also require a significant understanding of math at work every day. Despite this, many teens are not motivated to take advanced math classes to help them prepare for success in these future careers. A telephone survey of 1,000 12- to 17-year-olds…

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Metal Detectors Pre Purchase Guidelines

Metal detectors – When people think of Metal Detectors, some people think of combing a beach in search of coins or buried treasure while other people think of security, or the handheld scanners at a concert or sporting event. Metal detector technology is a huge part of our everyday lives, with a range of uses that span from recreational activities…

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The Odd Seven Continents Theory

Viewed from space, the Earth appears to have four or five major landmass areas depending on your viewpoint. Despite this, we hold on to the illusion there are more continents. As we all learned in grade school, there are seven continents. A quick look at a globe, however, reveals this basic assumption is just flat wrong. In particular, how can…

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The Energy Waste Dilemma

Date: 04-23-06 With the price of gasoline on the upswing(again, April 20, 06), there seems to be little sign that we Americans are at least trying to conserve fuel, though there are pockets of concerned groups that are making their voice heard, mainly against Oil Company price gouging. At the same time the automotive advertising media seems to be pushing…

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