
You Can Afford To Be A Stay At Home Parent

From the moment I learned I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. That feeling only strengthened when my beautiful son was born. I took one look at him and wondered how I could ever give up the opportunity to spend each and every day with him, watching him grow and learn, and exploring the world…

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Giving Juice To Your Baby

Fruit juice for babies — it sounds healthy enough, doesn’t it? Yet giving juice to your baby is not as beneficial as many parents believe. Health organisations worldwide, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Food Standards Agency in the UK, recommend that babies receive no supplemental fluids during the first 6 months of life. This means no juice…

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Does Your Student Eat A Hot School Lunch Or Cold Junk

The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 mandates that high schools have a local wellness policy and program in place by July 1, 2006, to promote more healthful food choices by students. However, a recent study of 271 public high schools by Penn State researchers, published in the February issue of the “Journal of the American Dietetic Association,”…

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What Sport Should My Kid Play

I have a four year old son. He is very physically active and has great motor skills. Far better at most sports they I was at his age. Most of our friends have their children in sports and like most “soccer moms” they drive from event to event – especially on the weekends. We tagged along to a few soccer…

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Helping Children Learn Through Music

If the thought of your children’s development is music to your ears, you may want to share the joy of music with your kids–and it seems the sooner you do it, the better. Exposure to music during the early years of childhood enhances the learning process by promoting language development, creativity, coordination and social interaction, according to the National Association…

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Boost Your Child S Communication Skills

Kids come home from school and plop down in front of the television, play video games, or surf the Internet. What happened to reading a book, coloring or writing in a diary? As these hobbies fall by the wayside and more passive forms of entertainment take over, children’s written, verbal and social skills can take a tumble, too. “Laying the…

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Top 10 Ways To Prevent Obesity In Kids

I’m sure you’ve seen the dire reports about childhood obesity becoming rampant in America. It’s a scary thing and not an experience any of us wish upon our children. Preventing obesity can be easy and empowering for children. Give them control over their bodies. Teach them to tune in to their real needs and to treat themselves with love and…

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I Used To Hate The Darkness

Like many children, when I was young I hated the darkness. I hated everything about it. I loved being outside during the bright sunshine of the day to play and discover new things with friends, but you couldn’t get me to take a walk in the darkness of night to save my life. I loved playing with my toys and…

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Dating Drugs And Alcohol

Dear Daughter, I love you so much. I wish that I could always protect you from all dangers, but I know that I can’t. You are growing up and you will have to face dangers and make some decisions on your own. However, I am always here and I can always be a pretty good coach. Please talk to me…

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Parenting It Can Be Fun

Like so many of us, in my early stages of parenthood I took a very traditional, mainstream approach to caring for my first-born. I’m thrilled to say that today I’ve grown. For the betterment and health of my children, I examined new ways of doing things. By listening, not only to my heart, but to my babies, and opening my…

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