
Dealing With The Stress Of Being A Parent

Becoming a parent is a life changing event, and while bringing up children certainly can be a joyful experience there’s no denying that it can also place huge stresses on you as a mother or father. Commonly recommended ways of dealing with stress in other areas of life tend to involve ‘getting away from it all’, such as visits to…

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Teaching Our Kids Rite From Rong Education

Are we as caring parents doing more harm than good by sitting down to teach our kids what we were taught from our school days? Mum and dads want the best for their kids and encourage them by dedicating their free time to help with their sums. In some cases it is hard for the concerned parent to find quality…

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Tv Is A Drug Are Your Kids Addicted

For most of us, hearing about different types of addiction is a common occurrence. Even more difficult to bear is that most of us are close to someone affected by an addiction. When addictions are related to the abuse of a substance such as alcohol, our understanding that there is a problem may be rooted in clear and serious signs…

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Reading Comprehension Skills Part I

If you can read every word on a page, are you really reading? Well, maybe and maybe not! One definition of ‘read’ is “to utter aloud written matter;” if using this definition alone, of course you are reading. There is another definition, though, which says “to understand or interpret.” After reading the page, if you cannot answer questions about the…

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Are You Letting Your Children Manipulate You

Rachael is the young mother of Nathan, who just turned two. Rachael is a stay-at-home mother who works part-time at home and has the help of a housekeeper five days a week. Rachael consulted with me because of her problems with Nathan. “When Nathan is with David (her husband), he’s fine. He adores David and listens well to him. When…

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Does Practical Parenting Stress You Out

Parenting does not constantly have to be a demanding job. There are ways to take care of your kids after consistently getting warn out. Here is a list of approachs that a person can use to help administer their daily problems and anxieties while pleasing the kids. Share the tasks of being a parent with your better half. Do not…

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Teach Your Child Phonological Awareness

Phonological awareness skills are key to reading success. Phonological awareness is an important foundation for learning to read. Scientific research has documented that phonological awareness is a better predictor of reading success than IQ, vocabulary, or socioeconomic level of the family. Research has shown that children who begin reading instruction with sufficiently developed phonological awareness understand the instruction better, master…

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How To Potty Train In Two Days

Ah, potty training! Go to a local bookseller and you will find dozens of books on the subject. Search the Net and there are thousands of websites with information on how to do it stress free. There are even people who are capitalizing on a parent’s frustration with potty training by offering to do it for you, for a hefty…

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Lay The Groundwork For A Lifetime Of Reading

At school, reading is the essential tool for success in every subject, so it is vital that you lay the proper groundwork for your child. According to Bernabe Feria, an expert in reading sciences who holds a doctorate from Oxford University, children learn to read in three stages. They are as follows: * Stage 1: This stage typically lasts until…

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How Safe Is Your Child S School

As a parent, have you ever thought about whether your child’s school was designed and built with security in mind? To raise awareness of school safety and security issues, the National Crime Prevention Council – best known for its icon McGruff the Crime Dog – developed the “Be Safe and Sound” initiative. The initiative offers tools and tips on how…

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