
American Politics And Insurance

Many Americans have many more complaints with the American government and politics, and how ill-prepared the government was for helping American citizens before, during, and after Hurricane Katrina struck is only one example. However, it is apparent that the American government and the politics that surround it are not just sitting around waiting for the next disaster to strike –…

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Can Illegal Immigration Lead To Terrorism

As I watched the evening news, I wondered why no one else seemed to understand that our porous southern borders were open doors for Middle Eastern terrorists. Perhaps it was fresh on my own mind because I’d had a recent conversation with a Virginia Police Chief, who told me his department had been notified by Homeland Security of the potential…

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History Of The American Flag Explained

It was on January 1, 1776 that the Continental army was restructured and adjusted according to a Congressional resolution which heralded American forces to the command of George Washington. On that day, the American Continental Army was blockading Boston which had been taken over by the British army. It has been said that the first American flag was made in…

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Casino Broceliande Decouvrez La Legende De Merlin L Enchanteur

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The Marius Reforms

The next major change in the army took place at the end of the 2nd century B.C. when Gaius Marius was elected Consul, placing him in command of the Roman army. Ceaseless attacks from the Germanic tribes forced large armies to be raised to defend Rome. However, just with Cannibal in the beginning, the legions suffered defeat after defeat, and…

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The Nuclear Option And The 4th Crusade

“American nuclear forces on global alert” is what CBS dished out as this author awoke on that chilly October morning in 1973 while attending Madison College in Virginia. This was Nixon’s response to Brezhnev’s announcing the potential deployment of Soviet airborne troops into the midst of the Yom Kippur War in an effort to stop Israel’s advance toward Cairo. It…

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The Teapot Dome Scandal

With the exception of Watergate, there has never been a scandal more egregious and with wider implications than the Teapot Dome affair during the presidency of Warren G. Harding. It involved the secret leasing to private companies of oil-containing tracts owned by the Navy, mainly in Wyoming and California. “Domes” are natural reservoirs of crude oil. The “Teapot Dome” –…

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Its The End Of Summer So Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day

Many of us have probably wondered throughout the years why we celebrate Labor Day, though we have not made any concentrated effort to find out. It is a tradition that we accept with no questions asked. Some may not even be aware that Labor Day is more than just the end of summer activities. Labor unions were the first to…

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The Armenian Genocide

The Armenian massacres in Turkey started in the 19th century and continued well after the Armenian genocide of 1915 in which some 600,000 Armenians perished. The Armenians were also raided by Kurdish tribesmen on a regular basis. An Ottoman military tribunal, convened between 1919-21, even convicted for the crimes members of the administration of the Young Turks, including cabinet ministers.…

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The Family Of Jesus Christ

Was Jesus born 2002 years ago? Was he born in year zero? The first year AD was 1 – so, Jesus could not have been born in year zero. The very concept of zero was invented much later. Numerous historical minutia in the gospels indicate that Jesus must have been born before 4 BC. For example, He was said to…

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