
It Costs Nothing To Smile

I like to be around positive people, people who tend to be happy, who look on the bright side of life. Far too many people walk around in what seems like a depressed state. Come on people, it costs nothing to smile. I must admit, I used to be one of the ones who walked around in a depressed state.…

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Guilt Resentment And Our Struggles

Why Do I Feel Guilty? Before we can start to understand the why behind the guilt, let’s first define it. Guilt means that we believe that something we are doing is causing pain to someone else. It’s activated by our behavior, thoughts, or feelings that we judge to be wrong or bad. Normal parents are protective of their children. But…

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Oprah Show Series Have You Let Yourself Go

We can always count on Oprah. If we need a good book, or a good chocolate, she’s there with a recommendation and, if you happen to be in the audience, a sample. Perhaps Oprah is at her best, however, when you need a swift kick in the bottom – when you need someone telling it like it is, pulling no…

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What Are You Really Missing Out On

Life is all about experience. Most of us have quite a vast intellectual knowledge of the world. Intellectually we know what’s available to us as human beings and although most people haven’t got everything they want, they at least have an intellectual knowledge of it. They know what exists and they know what is available. There is, however a huge…

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Reap Your Own Happiness

One of my favorite expressions is that “you reap what you sow”. While I often hear it used negatively by someone who expects some “chickens to come home to roost” I prefer to think of it as something positive. How comforting to think that all our hard work and toil will be rewarded with a crop of something good? How…

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How To Increase Self Confidence

Are you looking into ways to help you to gain more confidence? Have you a lack of self-belief? Do you think that you are a weak person? Would you like to be more care-free person? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, this article may well be worth a read. I am going to write about how…

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Don T Be A Victim Of The People Pleasing Quadrant

People pleasing can be a defeating habit in a person’s life, simply because the act itself takes your focus off what you CAN control, and puts your focus on to what you CAN’T control, which is somebody else’s happiness and peace of mind. Here is a perfect example to illustrate my point: If you buy your lover flowers, and they…

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An Article On Perfectionism

What is Perfectionism? Perfectionism is defined as a meticulous drive to attain excellence. A perfectionist is one who has this characteristic. ‘Perfectionism’ is a most prevalent belief in our civilization. Notice that I used the word ‘belief’. Everywhere in this world of ours, perfectionism is regarded as good and desirable while imperfection is deem as bad or negative. Everybody wants…

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Be Happy There Is Great Happiness In Human Made Things

God created the world. Humans in their own insignificant way are also creating things. The urge to create is inborn in human beings. God created the world for the happiness of humankind. Humans are creating things for their happiness, enjoyment, comfort, and survival. The common thread in all human made things is happiness. There is a vast field of music…

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Life Is A Gift Open And Enjoy It

There is a bottle of perfume sitting on my dresser that I was given when I was ten years old! As you can tell I have pack rat tendencies! For me that pattern started as a young child. I could never bear to throw things away. There was more to it than not wanting to throw things away. I loved…

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