Currency Trading

Advantages Of The Foreign Currency Market

What are the advantages of the Forex Market over other types of investments? When thinking about various investments, there is one investment vehicle that comes to mind. The Forex or Foreign Currency Market has many advantages over other types of investments. The Forex market is open 24 hrs a day, unlike the regular stock markets. Most investments require a substantial…

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Currency Trading

Are You Prepared To Currency Trade

Currency trading is the most popular way to earn to money and it is without doubt a very profitable market. However few are familiar with its unpleasant intricacies and most ignore a very important aspect: risk. It is not enough only to be given the chance to invest your money successfully, you have to be careful because Currency trading can…

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Currency Trading

Factors That Affect Forex Trading

There are several external factors that affect Forex currency trading. These factors include trade reports, GDP, unemployment, international trade, manufacturing etc. The growth or decline in these factors affects a country’s currency value. Foreign exchange is a continuous global market, providing a 24-hour market access to its players. Since it is open only 5 days a week, so weekend is…

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Currency Trading

Day Trading Robot

A day trading robot? Gee Wiz! Sounds like science fiction, right? It did to me just a few years ago. I would have never imagined that such a thing was possible. First of all, I came from a school of thought that believed nothing could be programmed to trade the markets successfully. I strongly believed this and argued with anyone…

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Currency Trading

Forex Trading The Next Hottest Home Based Business

When running a home-based business, a person quickly gains knowledge of how the business world works. Whether it be selling crafts, doing a home delivery business, or selling real-estate, after investing a lot of time and effort into a home or small business, a person quickly becomes aware of the few basic business truths that govern business. One of those…

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Currency Trading

The Trading Teacher

When I studied the principles of investing in university, I was taught that the price of a share reflected the value of the company. With fundamental analysis, there are many methods on how one can analyse the financial statements of companies to find out whether a share is a good or a bad investment. You can conduct horizontal and vertical…

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Currency Trading

Fibonacci Retracement Trading Take Advantage

Fibonacci, Actually named Leonardo of Pisa, was born in Pisa, Italy about 1175 A.D.. Today, he is recognized as the greatest European mathematian of the middle ages. Fibonacci is credited with introducing the Arabic-Hindu numeral system to Europe. He also introduced the decimal system. Both became the basis of mathematics we use today. Enough background for now. Although Fibonacci covered…

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