Currency Trading

Understanding The Basics Of Forex Trading

Forex trading or Foreign Exchange Trading refers to the simultaneous trading What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary 0 0 Shares Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin × Share this post! Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin Pinterest Messenger Reddit Telegram Tumblr VKontakte Email

Currency Trading

Why Trade The Forex

My purpose for writing this article is to demonstrate to you the advantages of trading on the FOREX market. However, there is one myth that I want to dispel before I go further. The myth is that there is a difference between trading and investing. To dispel that myth I quote from Al Thomas, President of Williamsburg Investment Company, who…

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Currency Trading

So You Want To Become A Futures Day Trader

You wake up one morning with a really BAD idea – you have decided to start making your living by becoming a futures day trader. BUT how can this be such a bad idea, don’t people get rich day trading futures? Where did that idea come from? Did you see one of those ‘work’ for 10 minutes a day and…

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Currency Trading

Working The Forex Market The Basics

What Does FOREX Stand For ? FOREX stands for Foreign Currency Exchange Market. It is gaining more and more interest in the investing world, and for good reason. The FOREX Market is the largest market in the world and can be accessed anywhere in the world. The FOREX Market’s volume is over 1.5 Trillion, providing almost infinate liquidity and flexability.…

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Currency Trading

Elliott Wave Theory The Myth And Reality

Elliot wave theory enjoys massive popularity – being described as advanced technical analysis, by many brokers and publishers. Elliot wave theory has a huge and devoted following – shame the theory has no basis of sound logic that can help you make money! Let’s look at Elliott wave theory in more detail and then look at sensible market analysis. The…

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Currency Trading

Understanding Forex 4 Money Management

This is a series of articles about The Foreign Exchange Market. You will learn here what Forex is , how it works and how profitable it can be. The whole series contain the following articles . . . 1. What is Forex 2. Technical analysis 3. Fundamental analysis 4. Money management 5. Compound interest Money Management. This is one of…

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Currency Trading

Forex Case Study The Canadian Dollar

Foregin Exchange is one of the most popular investing markets, and with a proper understanding of the markets and factors influencing it it is possible to enjoy great success in terms of returns. A case study which highlights all of the areas and considerations when it comes to Forex investments is not hard to come by- in fact, recent years…

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