
Is Direct Mail Still Worth Investing On

Everybody these days has an email address. It’s no longer even a question of if somebody has one, but rather, how many they have. From this common truth, it can be said that most people from the young- to the mid-age bracket can be reached electronically. For people in the marketing industry, we then start thinking, with email technology so…

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Get More Results From Promotional Products

In today’s high-competitive market, it is hard for businesses to attract potential customers. Promotional products offer a unique opportunity to spread your company’s name to your niche, and stay there for a while. The promotional items you select are limited only by your own imagination. They range from market-proven goods such as T-Shirts, Pens and Planners to innovative items such…

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Effective Classifieds Advertising Tips

Classified advertising is a relatively inexpensive way to promote your product or service, so it’s a great option to consider for small businesses. However, if you’re not careful, you can waste a lot of time and money on ineffective classified ads. There are several factors to keep in mind when writing classified ads. If you keep these factors in mind,…

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Referrals Build Profits The Best Kind Of Customer Is A Referred Customer

Referrals are the key to exponential and cost-efficient business growth. Supply a topnotch product… let your customers know how advantageous your brand is… and provide exceptional service. Do that and you’ll encourage customers to willingly send their families, friends, acquaintances, and business associates your way. There’s no easier sale than the sale made to a “pre-sold” prospect. This kind of…

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Driving New Cars For Free Is There A Catch

Advertisers have seized upon a new way to get the word out about their products: slap their ads on your vehicle. Actually, this isn’t an entirely new way to promote products as it has been in the experimental stages for years in limited markets. Now, however, the practice has become so widespread that companies around the globe are doing it.…

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How To Create Product Names That Sell And Tell

What’s in a Name? Does a Rose by Any Other Name Sell as Sweet? Good product names act as advertising for your product. They differentiate you from your competitors and keep your customers coming back because they remember you and your product name. There is an art to naming products, and all great product names have the following qualities: 1.…

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Creating Remarkable Poster Prints Through 4 Color Poster Printing

Moreover the striking, brilliant and vivid colors are the reason why we are attracted to the posters that we see. Posters had been a very beneficial marketing tool because it had paved to deliver an effective message that conveyed customer’s attention. It had been widely used for acquiring customer’s attention. Having them hanged with color prints had effectively grabbed customer’s…

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Changing Web Marketing Scenario

Almost everyone from interactive advertising agencies to any web advertising agency worth its salt to business owners who are looking to turn their online presence into a revenue-generating business venture has heard of “search engine optimization”, although they all may have half baked ideas about what exactly it entails. The earlier practice was to select some keywords, place them (or…

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4 Key Points To Branding

Here are four things you should keep in mind as you build your company’s brand: 1) Own the “Significant Thing”: Dole tried to be all things to all people spend your time focusing on a single clear message. Mercedes-Benz owns ” Engineering ” in the car industry because it’s focused on that singular message for decades. 2) Consistency is key:…

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The Latest Advertising Craze

With the internet still in its infancy stage, there is always the next big thing when it comes to advertising. The first one was e-mail marketing, the people that started e-mail marketing in the very beginning have made and will continue to make loads of money. If done properly with no spam and with a highly targeted list, as long…

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