
Landscaping Stones That You Can Use

Landscaping does not only involve planting flowers, shrubs and tress. To make it look pleasing, you also need to use natural stones. These are better known as landscaping stones.

Landscape stones comes in different shapes and colors. For instance, sandstones can be found in blends of blue, buff, black, brown or pink which are often used for wall making.

For those who will be making a fish pond or a fountain, they will need to use the slate type which is available in black, green and red. Stone marble is another alternative because these stones are finely grained. You can find these in pink white and yellow and have a high absorption of water. These can also be used for paving and wailing.

Limestone is very similar to stone marble because it can also absorb water. It is used primary also for making walls.

You can also use granite since these are fine to medium course and are very strong that are found in colors pink and red.

Apart from the big stones, you will also need some small ones and there are 5 types.

The first is called the river bed pebble. These are usually round and each one measures 2 and 75mm. in diameter. These are often used as decorative borders, ground cover, dry garden beds, swimming pool decks and patios.

Next is the stone circles. The nice thing about them is that they are low maintenance and used for large patio areas, winding paths and creative edgings for those who will be installing a fishing pond.

There are also stone cobbles which are hand chiseled. They are environment friendly, non slip, does not require any maintenance and are recyclable. These are available in big and small sizes and can be used on a pavement, outhouse and on pool sides. They are very decorative and can be mixed with other types of stones.

Stone steps is another option. From the name itself, you can already tell that these are usually used to make a flight of stairs. There are four types around namely the normal, mortared, pitched and capped stone steps.

Next is the stepping stone that is used on walkway areas and is very easy to install. All you have to do is plan the path and then put in each one. To keep them in place, you should put some builder’s sand, wait awhile for everything to settle then add another layer of sand and mulch as a finishing touch.

As you can see, there are different types of stones that are used for landscaping. You can choose what will work best based on their color so it matches with the rest of the house as well as their characteristics. You can even use a few stones which you find near your house. But since this isn’t always enough, you will really need to order them.

In case you did not know, stones can also be used to prevent weeds from growing. This is done by placing them around flowers.

When you are looking for landscaping rocks, the most important thing to remember is to get those that have similar shape, size and texture. This will give your garden a natural look which people will appreciate when they are invited as guests to your home.

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