
Visitors Guide To Dallas Texas Usa

The dynamic city of Dallas is situated in the northeastern area of the state of Texas in the USA. Founded in 1841 as a trading post, Dallas is now one of the largest cities in the United States of America. Dallas covers almost 400 square miles / 1,036 square kilometers and is home to a population of more than 1,000,000…

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Domain Name Appraisal Information

There is basically nothing out there in the real world that is equal. Everything has its own distinctions, thus nothing is equal. This is also true with domain names. Not all domain names are designed equal as it is commonly noted. One of the main reasons that show this fact about the domain names is the truth that some of…

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Travel Tips

What Is A Duty Free Exemption

The duty-free exemption, also called the personal exemption, is the total value of merchandise you may bring back to the United States without having to pay duty. You may bring back more than your exemption, but you will have to pay duty on it. In most cases, the personal exemption is $800, but there are some exceptions to this rule,…

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Record Gas Prices Spark Interest In Electric Cars

Prices at the pump are driving more car buyers to look into electricity as an alternative fuel source. This summer, oil and gas prices surged to new highs. Oil reached $70 per barrel for the first time in history in August, boosting prices at the gas pump to $3 per gallon in many parts of the country. The rising prices…

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How To Determine The Value Of Your Property

Mortgages depend significantly on the value of the property that is involved. Consequently, it become important to know how much a property is worth before heading into refinancing plans, looking for a home loan, or selling a house. One way to do this is to determine the market value of the property. A simple way to do this is to…

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Currency Trading

Currency Exchange Rates Ins And Outs

Are you planning a trip abroad? If you so, you might want to know the current currency exchange rates so you can plan ahead for your financing needs. Your money is usually not worth the same in different countries as it is in the country where you live. It’s a good idea to know the value of your dollar before…

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Coin Collecting

A Coin Is Worth More Than A Coin

Coin collectors, old and new, have always wondered whether the coin or coins they have in their possession are worth more than the face value today – or in the foreseeable future. Even though that a coin which has little or no value monetarily is not necessarily one would not keep or make part of one’s coin collection. The following…

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Wealth Building

Getting A Secured Loan For The Trip Of A Lifetime

You may be creeping towards retirement, or even just retired and with the British weather being what it is, you just can’t get the thought of sun, sea and sangria out of your mind, or something to that effect. At this stage of life, many people, particularly couples whose families are grown and whose working life is coming to a…

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Protecting Your Assets

Have you ever wondered what would happen to your assets if you were sued, in a car accident and it was your fault or if you became disabled or even died? Most people consider this question but do very little about taking the necessary steps to protect their assets. The first thing to do is to have a plan in…

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