Stress Management

Stress Management Advice And Tips

In this article I write about how we need to chill out, relax and to live a stress-free life. For many years I did not live life this way and found myself constantly worrying about what other people thought of me. This was not exactly a happy period in my life and after a lot of hard work and determination,…

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Stress Management

Worry Five Ways To Eliminate It

We all worry at times, and there is probably no way to stop worrying forever. There are some specific ways to stop right now, however. The following tips on how to stop worrying come from experience, because I’ve always been a bit of a worrier, and I had to learn some good techniques for stopping this energy-sucking habit. Here are…

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So You Have Problems

We are all faced with problems throughout our lives, some are small, others huge. Depending on how we deal with them, they can be overwhelming and devastate our lives, or they can quickly fade into the past. Attitude plays a big role. With a difficult personal or work undertaking, consider all viewpoints, even those you think you don’t like. It…

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Alternative Medicine

Tinnitus Don T Feed The Trolls

Is worrying a possible cause for Tinnitus? “Don’t feed the trolls” is a common synonym for someone who likes to create havoc on the internet. Trolls normally use chat rooms, posting boards or Forums to provoke and intimidate people by sending confrontational messages. People who feel harrassed and provoked and find the time to argue with these people are “Feeding…

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