Travel Leisure

Airlines Today S Reality Yesterday S Dream

Only a wishful fantasy a hundred years ago, the modern airline can now boast being one of the largest corporate industries around the world. Spurred on by massive competition between the ‘big three’ jet manufacturers – Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, and Boeing – the 20th century has given birth to this most technologically advanced industry. However, these three corporate giants, located…

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Working On Your Vacation

You have a vacation coming up, but you’ve been everywhere and seen everything that you wanted to see. Maybe you have a lot of vacation time amassed and you know you’ve been blessed with material assets that others don’t have. If so, maybe you should consider going on a Volunteer Vacation. There are many opportunities available to take an interesting…

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Role Of An Umpire In A Cricket Match

A bat – ball game that entertains the whole mass of people gathered and also the ones who watch it live in the televisions. Cricket a world class game captivates hearts and souls of many individuals across the world. People die to watch the game, literally starve to enter the gates of the ground in which the game is played.…

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Food Beverage

A Brief History Of Chocolate

Chocolate has been a favorite of man for thousands of years. Ancient people brewing the seeds of the cacao tree into a yummy beverage was the beginning of the wide assortment of chocolates that we enjoy today. Once chocolate was discovered by European conquests, it became a treat only the wealthiest could afford. Not only was chocolate expensive, but it…

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Opening Doors On The Web Blogs

Writers’ world over use various platforms to showcase their work and this can be done for two purposes, either for their own compilation or to tell the world that they have this talent thereby inviting projects. They can either adopt the age old system of maintaining a personal journal or diary where they write about their daily lives and also…

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The Life Of Luxury Green With Envy

It is always nice to see how the other half lives, take for instance there is the Life of Luxury: the George Hamilton way. This is a TV show which looks at the lives of the Super Rich in which the first episode looks at the PlayBoy Mansion, a collection of multi-million dollar homes, hip-hop half-billion dollar empires and some…

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Golfing Holiday Destinations

Golf is a sport that has grown in popularity and is now played, both professionally and recreationally, in virtually every country in the world. Golf is a game that has evolved from its crude origins in the 15th century to being a highly tactical sport enjoyed by people of every age, sex and race and in some countries is even…

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