Home Family

Make Exercise A Family Priority

A Mom’s daily calendar is almost always overscheduled. Each day usually starts early and ends late. It may include lots of running in circles (at least it can feel that way). But, probably is lacking any real physical activity. With children returning to school, the schedule gets even tighter due to school requirements and events. It may seem an insurmountable…

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Health Fitness

Rebounding To Better Health

Ever heard of rebounding? Rebounding is a fun way to get great exercise using small controlled movements on a mini trampoline. By using a small trampoline and following a rebounding video, people of all ages can exercise on a rebounder. Rebounding is safe because your feet barely leave the surface and a stabilizing bar can be added which will help…

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Fitness Equipment

Elliptical Machines Provide Low Impact Total Body Workouts That Even The Novice Can Benefit From

Ever since their introduction several years ago, Elliptical Machines have become increasingly popular and more technically advanced. Surveys will indicate that as much as six million people prefer elliptical machines as their choice for home exercise equipment. If you are looking for an effective and thorough indoor workout, than look no further than an elliptical machine. There are many benefits…

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Weight Loss

Burn More Calories In Less Time

When I work with my clients, one of the key elements that I incorporate into all of our workouts is INTENSITY. In my view, intensity is the most critical aspect of any exercise regime and can mean the difference between someone who reaches their goals and someone who doesn’t. Increasing your workout’s intensity will stimulate your body to burn more…

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Fitness Equipment

Stationary Bikes Improve Muscle Tone

Although the personal trainer at the fitness club will say differently it is imperative to note that even low intensity workout on the stationary bike will produce health benefits and be less likely to produce injury. The inactive population is often led to believe that there must be sore muscles and a lot of agony associated with the daily workout…

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Why You Should Settle For An Elliptical Cross Trainer

Elliptical cross trainers are simply one of the bestsellers in the fitness market today. Want to know why? Because it is so easy to assemble, simple to operate, and gives the body a full workout. And who could possibly say no to an absolutely no impact routine? Do you need more convincing to buy an elliptical cross trainer instead of…

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Health Fitness

Workingout For Those Of Us Over Forty

This is not a quick fix for any medical problems,this is what worked for me and my wife Vanessa of 22 years , not to long ago I was sixty pounds over weight , I did not liked walking past mirrors at all so I decided to loss weight and get myself into tip top shape. So me and my…

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Core Golf Workout For A Power Golf Swing

A core golf workout that produces a power golf swing is one that focuses on rotation. The primary movement in the golf swing is rotating your upper body back, then rotating it through to the finish. That is why it is critical you implement exercises that involve rotational strength and flexibility There is a lot of confusion with golfers on…

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Health Fitness

How To Get You Heart Back In Shape

Doing what you can now will reduce the chances of having a heart attack and increase your life which should be every ones goal. Fuel for the Body: The human body needs food to fuel us thru our busy days. Our bodies turn the food we eat into energy we need to keep our body functioning properly. Fried and fatty…

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