Health Fitness

Alcohol Health Benefit Or Health Risk

We’ve all heard the news about the potential heart-health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption. It’s no wonder such stories grab headlines. They’re the nutritional equivalent of the classic media formula of “man bites dog.” As for the rest of us, we celebrate by raising a glass to our health. But whenever I hear one of these reports, I wonder whether…

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Womens Issues

Female Hormones

Hormones are chemicals, which transfer information and regulate many processes throughout the body. They serve many important functions in our lives. For women there are many specialized female hormones that affect them from the beginning of life right into old age so it is important to learn as much as possible about them. As we grow up from childhood and…

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What A Woman Wants In A Man

What is the ONE thing women want from a guy the most?” Many people might think it may be money, security, looks, humor or any of that other stuff that most guys tend to think of. Yet its Being a Real Man that’s the one thing women want; it’s a man whose real and knows what he i about and…

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Health Fitness

Health Products That Make A Difference

In a world where we’re stressed, overscheduled, and often overwhelmed, it’s easy to neglect our health. Stress negatively impacts our autoimmune system, making us more susceptible to garden variety viruses and bacteria. Over time, the cumulative effect of stress can lead to more serious chronic illnesses, as well as to life-threatening conditions. Even though we’re well into the New Year,…

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Certified Nurse Midwife As A Profession

A midwife by definition is a person who assists women in childbirth. A midwife is required to complete the prescribed course of studies in midwifery and to acquire the necessary training to be registered and or legally licensed to practice midwifery. She must be able to give the essential supervision, care and advice to women during pregnancy, labor and the…

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Health Fitness

Getting Over The Hassles Of Back Pain

In the United States alone, a huge eighty percent of the population suffers from back pain at some point of theirs lives. It may manifest itself in different forms. It may come up as lower back pain, neck pain, or sciatica for some people. Back pain may last for a short while or it may persist for a longer time…

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Why Russian Girls

Russian brides have always been considered to be the best brides in the world. Indeed, their cultural background makes them perfect for creating a happy strong family. They are caring, faithful, loving and devoted. And this attracts men all over the world. By their personality, Russian girls are tender and at the same time they are diligent, strong and hard-working,…

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