Trucks Suvs

Small Sailboats Are Fun

Small sailboats are from about 10 to 18 feet in length (3 to 6 metres). Small sailboats are often called sailing dinghies, because almost all have open cockpits without any cabins. They are usually made from either marine plywood or fiberglass – the big manufacturers use fiberglass, but wood is used for some boats, particularly if they are sold in…

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Reasons Wind Power Is A Viable Energy Solution

Fuel costs and global warming are becoming a bigger concern for people in their daily lives. If you are considering going green, wind is an energy platform with a lot of positives. Reasons Wind Power Is a Viable Energy Solution Using the wind to harness energy from our environment is hardly a new concept. Ancient Persians are believed to have…

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Country Living With Wind Chimes

As the stress of everyday life increases, many people are drifting away from the city and attempting to spend more and more time in the country. There is certainly good reason to do so. Country living offers a safe, simple and traditional way of living that is difficult to attain in larger, more suburban areas. Country homes, with their large…

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Sailing In The Mediterranean

I doubt there is one, but if you’re the sort of yachtie who likes to use his engine to get out of the marina, immediately set his sails, and only use the engine to get into a harbour, then you’ll be disappointed. There’s a lot of motoring in the Med. The wind tends to blow along the Spanish coast, either…

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Wind Turbines

History of Wind Turbines The first wind machines were used in Persia, as far back as 200 B.C for the purposes of grinding grain. By 250 A.D the Romans began to use the same process for the same purpose. The Dutch started using windmills to drain water from the areas lying in the Rhine River delta. Windmills began to be…

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