Reference Education

Stop The Snore

I am always amused by the never ending argument between the snoring people and their beloved ones whom are forced to listen to the orchestra every night. Well, at least I was until I have found out that the joke is on me. One morning I was blamed for snoring, my first reply was: I never snore, you must be…

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Home Family

We Are Simply Careless

It must be my love and passion (and lots of ‘sensitivity’) for ‘relationship’. I always enjoy seeing how people deal with ‘relationship’ – any kind of relationship. Very often I will learn some lessons and wisdom from them. Just last month I was at my niece’s church wedding. As usual, I became uneasy when the pastor was giving his ‘speech’.…

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Self Improvement

Laughter Use It To Pick Up Women

Humour, some say, is the fruit of life, and this is especially true when it comes to picking up on a girl no matter where the location. Make them laugh, and I guarantee, that you are very close to getting their phone number and even to getting them to go out with you. But, as we all know, making them…

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Want To Improve Your Relationship With Your Wife

Recently, my wife, 7 year old daughter and I decided that since it was such a beautiful, cool, and slightly breezy evening that we would take a blanket outside, spread it out on the lawn with some refreshments, and enjoy the evening reading books. I grabbed a book that I had wanted to finish for a while, strapped on my…

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Home Family

How Inline Skates Saved My Unborn Child

I love inline skates, I can’t deny it. It wasn’t always like that though. A couple of years back I thought of inline skates or rollerblades that it was only something for kids, and certainly not for a grown man like me. It was in the summer. I and my 7 month pregnant wife and our two sons were on…

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Reference Education

Passover Laugh While Cleaning

Passover, or Pesach as it is called in Hebrew, is the 8 day festival where the Jews celebrate their liberation from Egypt more than a thousand years ago. One of the most important features of this freedom festival is that the Jews cannot eat anything that is leavened. They eat unleavened bread. They must also make sure that no bread…

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Broken Legs Are Serious Risks For Italian Greyhounds

We have two Italian Greyhounds (affectionately referred to as IG’s). Dixie was two when we brought Yankee home. I read that IG’s are happier with another animal and thought that another IG would be half as much trouble and twice as much fun. After a few days of establishing a pack order the two became great friends. For those not…

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Reference Education

Laughter Use It To Pick Up Women

Humour, some say, is the fruit of life, and this is especially true when it comes to picking up on a girl no matter where the location. Make them laugh, and I guarantee, that you are very close to getting their phone number and even to getting them to go out with you. But, as we all know, making them…

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