
Hosepipes Will You Face A Ban This Summer

When most people think of hosepipes, they think of the standard garden hose: a long, green snake-like flexible pipe that can be used to take water from a garden tap and spray it out into the garden. However, hosepipes are more complicated than that. To begin with, for the garden hose, there are all sorts of attachments you can add…

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Hillside Landscaping and Proper Watering

Sloped and hillside lawns and landscapes tend to develop dry dead spots during the hot part of the season. This is primarily due to water run off before it has a chance to saturate into the soil. Deep saturation is a key to a healthy lawns and plants. Deep watering helps establish deeper roots that can handle Summer heat stress.…

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Time Management

From Here To There

Last year I was the keynote speaker at a Valentine’s Day luncheon for single mothers with the theme of Dream Again. It was a magical event that left most of us in the room with tears silently streaming down our faces. To top it off, at the end of our time together, Michele Lang, an amazing singer came to the…

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Watering Your Lawn

Watering a lawn in the proper manner is one of the most misunderstood and most neccessary steps in keeping up a healthy, attractive lawn. Most people water there lawn too long and not often enough. Here are some awesome guidlines to ensure a the most effective and efficient method to properly water your lawn. First of all soak your lawn…

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Caring For Your Plant Bulbs

The only way to keep up with the latest about Caring For Your Plant Bulbs is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about Caring For Your Bulbs, it won’t take long for you to become an influential authority. How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may…

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Tips For Care And Landscaping Your Real Turf

Everyone likes verdant lawns. The green looking lawns are a result of painstaking efforts and some real turf care. It is not very difficult to maintain the green turf as in golf courses or the horse races. Read all about it here Easy and simple Real Turf Care Guidelines A green looking turf that you see in the catalogues of…

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