
Good Employers Want a Balance of Assertiveness and Agressiveness . How to Cultivate that Vital Balance

Employers often avoid hiring overly aggressive employees as they drive business away. However employers want and hire assertive employees because assertive behavior projects capability and promotes a healthy productive working environment. What are these traits and how can you create a healthy balance? Assertive behavior can be many things. It can be standing up for your rights, expressing yourself honestly,…

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For Those Who Want To Become Daytraders….

So you’d like to earn your living DayTrading? You have all heard the stories of losing DayTraders running down the streets shooting people? During the heady .com days prior to 2001, (when Bush became president,) there were stocks, 3 or 4 times a week that went up from 30 to 200% a day. It was possible, if you knew what…

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Most people do not prepare properly for an interview. A lot of time, energy and money are spent in preparation for the chance to have an interview meeting with a prospective employer. However, little to no preparation is done for the interview itself. Most professionals spend an incredible amount of time preparing their resume, and even make a considerable investment…

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Do You Want One Of the Pharmacist Jobs?

There are more pharmacist jobs going round than pharmacists, an excellent scenario for job seekers. So how do you tap into this job market? Different Kinds of Pharmacist Jobs Pharmacists are needed wherever medicines are prepared or dispensed. Even storage of medicines should be under their supervision. The pharmacist is trained to dispense the correct dosages of medicines meeting the…

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1000 things you don’t want in your job hunt

GOING ONLY FOR BRANDING Do you stick only to the top name job boards or portals? If yes, you are denying your chances of getting into specialized positions. Specialized groups or non-enterprise companies often steer clear of top names. Choose your resume posting based on the kind of recruiters that visit a given job boards. OUTSOURCING YOUR JOB HUNT If…

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