
Golf Bags For Beginner Golfers

You might be a golf beginner looking for your first set of golf clubs and equipment or a pro shopping for upgrades, but all will agree that golf bags are essential in the game. Next to golf clubs, a golf bag is one of the most important golfing equipment there is. It is considered a necessity. A good golf bag…

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Dead To The World Man Walking

One morning this week, I woke up with a black eye. How I got it still baffles me. I have my suspicions, of course, but some things are better left to themselves no matter how lonely they may get. In getting older, I have realized certain things are changing in my body. For example, I now find myself walking in…

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How To Extend The Life Of Your Treadmill

When purchasing a treadmill, you really don’t think about the importance of proper maintenance. When you purchase a treadmill, you must be willing to take the time to maintain it just as you would any other major investment. Just like anything else, you must make a conscience effort to factor the maintence time into your schedule. Consider this prior to…

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Arthritis Exercises

A recommended 30-minute minimum of daily activity is the norm. Before starting any exercise program, it is vital that one speak to their doctor to ensure there are no unseen risks, however you will find that most doctors recommend exercise for their arthritis patients either on their own initiative or when asked. The types of exercises suggested vary; however, with…

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Walking Sticks A Money Making Hobby

Carving walking sticks wasn’t meant to be a money-making hobby for me. I sometimes made them when backpacking, and I had always enjoyed taking my pocket knife to a piece of wood to see what I could make. I just hadn’t thought of doing anything more with the hobby. One summer, when my wife Ana and I briefly got into…

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Playing Golf Is Good For The Health

Yes, it is official. Golf is good for you. This has also been verified by the United States Golf Association and their advice is that you should play golf and walk the course while playing rather than riding the golf cart. That is how it is good for health. Walking is known to boost the pumping of the heart for…

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