Product Reviews

Cocktail Vibe

Cocktail Vibe – a home for unique martini glasses and barware on the internet- is offering free stirrers with orders over $20. If you enter the term “web2promo” in the promotion field during checkout, this special will be yours. Some of the coolest glasses at Cocktail Vibe can be found in the martini section, though the shot, wine, rocks, hiball,…

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Dating Tips And Seduction

Some guys will never become great with women. “What?!” You might think I’ve lost my mind, but it’s true. A lot of guys just won’t get it. And it’s not because they’re not smart enough or somehow defective… In fact, it’s a subconscious choice, that they have made unknowingly. I know what you’re thinking. “How can I make sure I’m…

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